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The Home of Delicious Greek Dessert

Hi, I'm the Greek that will be making the Baclava

CLICK on the link below to my site for the BEST BACLAVA you will ever put in your mouth.
Then check out some of my favorite links below.

My Baclava Web Site
Entertaining Insight in to Bottomfeeders
Free home pages
Original Jewelry, Wine and Glass Charms

Come on and click on the link I have provided above. You will be glad you did. The Baclava looks so good you can almost taste it. Almost but not quite. Give it a try you won't be sorry if you do.

Only $14.95 for a whole pan. I thought that would get your attention.

There will be a 6.00 shipping charge. The pan of Baclava is very heavy.

The perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, special family gathering or just to say you care. Much more original than flowers or chocolates, don't you think?

Remember to book mark this page so you can find me when you are in a hurry to order for that special occasion. Thank you and please come again.