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Artist unknown

God's Commandments

1- Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;
3- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
4- Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
5- Thou shalt not steal.
6- Thou shalt not kill.
7- Thou shalt not commit adultry.
8- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
9- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.
10- Thou shalt no covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

Let Us Pray together.

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Give us this day by day our daily bread.
Forgive me of my sins: for I was borne in sin, and have come short of the glory of the Lord,
for I also forgive every one that is indebted to me.
Lead me not into temption, but deliver me from evil.
Forgive me of my trespasses, as I forgive those that trespass against me.
Yea, tho I walk through the valley and shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me, in the presence of evil.
For Thine is the kingdom,and the power, and the glory, for ever and forever.
Our Dear Precious Heavenly Father,
I pray for the shut-ins, Bless them Dear Lord,
I pray for all the sick, that you may heal their bodies, for the glory of God.
I pray for the sinners, Bless them dear Father.
I pray for the ones that are about to have surgery, Guide the doctors hand as it be your will.
I pray for the Leaders of our Nation, guide them as it is your will, Our Dear Precious Jesus.
I pray for our troops, that you may watch over them and protect them, that are fighting for our nation.
I pray for our Preachers and Teachers, that they will teach the truth about you Dear Father
I pray for myself Dear Heavenly Father,put your hands on me and Bless me.
I thank you Heavenly Father for the air I breathe,
I thank you for the rain, sleet,snow and what ever is your will to give us,
I thank you for being you, Dear Father.
Walk with me Precious Father, Hold me up, lest I fall.
I give you all the praise , glory and honor, in Jesus Christ, our Holy and Precious Father's name .
I ask you of all this, in your Dear and Precious Holy name
I give you all the praise and glory, you are the greatest.
Amen and Amen !

Glory !
Praise Jesus Christ !
Jesus Lives !

The Greatest Book ever Written!
The Holy Bible
King James Version.

Genesis 1- God's Creation
Psalms 22 - A Cry of Anguish; Praise for the Succor. A Psalm of David.
Psalms 72 - The Reign of the Lord's Annointed. A Psalm for Soloman.
Isaiah 11 - Universal Peace under the Branch of Jesse.
Isaiah 53 - Jehovah's Anointed Suffers for the People.
Jeremiah 49 - The Doom of Ammon, Edom, and Syria.
Ezekiel 37- Israels's Hope; God can Make Dry Bones Live.
Ezekiel 38 - Distant Nations to Attack Restored Israel.
Ezekiel 48 - New Arrangement of the Reestored Tribes
Daniel 7 - Vision of the Beasts and the Eternal Kingdom.
Saint John 1 - The Word Incarnate; Testimony of the Baptist.
Titus 1: Titus to Reprove Mischievous Teachers.
Titus 2 - Directions to Elders, Young Men, and Servants
1 Corinthians 15 - The Certainty and Manner of the Resurrection.
Jude - Evil-doers in the Church Warned by History
Revelation 1-John's Vision of the Glorified Christ
Revelation 2- Messages to Four of the Seven Churches
Revelation 3- Message to Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
Revelation 4- The Throne, the Elders, and the Four Beasts.
Revelation 5- The Slaughtered Lamb Takes the Sealed Book.
Revelation 6- Terrors Attend the Opening of the Six Seals.
Revelation 7- Pause while Israel and the Gentiles are Sealed.
Revelation 8- Opening of the Seveth Seal; Seven Trumpets.
Revelation 9- Locusts from the Abyss; Lion-Headed Horses.
Revelation 10- The angel with the Open Book, which is Eaten.
Revelation 11- The Raptured Witnesses; the Seventh Trumpet.
Revelation 12- The Woman, the Man-Child, and the Dragon.
Revelation 13- The Beasts from the Sea and from the Earth.
Revelation 14- The Lamb on Mount Zion; the Vintage of Wrath.
Revelation 15- Seven Angels Bearing Seven Vials of Wrath.
Revelation 16-The Vials Poured out; Three Unclean Spirits.
Revelation 17- The Purple-clothed Woman on the Seven Hills.
Revelation 18- Fall and Desolation of the Mystic Babylon.
Revelation 19- The Word of God in Battle with the Beast.
Revelation 20- The Millennial Reign; The Great White Throne.
Revelation 21- The New Heaven and Earth; the Lamb's Wife.
Revelation 22-A Crystal River; Final Warning and Invitation.

I am working on The Book of Revelation
or whatever God leads me to write
My words ( if I have any to say,)
will be typed in green or white.

Come, get your Bible out and Read with me.
I ran the referances on each verse
It is very easy to read and understand.
I would like to hear from you if you are reading with me.
All Pages are Printable.
Please put( The Bible ) in the subject line,
if you do e-mail me, and it won't get dumped.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Email Me !

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