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Timaru World War II Site (Smithfield)

These WWII structures are on private industrial property and are not publicly available to visit. The Battery Observation Post, though outside the fence, is on private land. Please respect the landowners rights and the structure itself.

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If you have information about any aspects or the photos on this site please e-mail us.

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Last updated: 06 May 2011. Link repair.

Check out the Latest News... New Zealand Historic Places Trust registration. Click on the link to read the Registration Report, and don't forget to come back here to check out the rest of the site.

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The Smithfield Pages

About Us
General Information
Gun Emplacement #1
Gun Emplacement #2
Battery Observation Post
Ammunition Magazine
Other Buildings
Photographs #New Added## Total of 21
Newspaper ##New Added## Total of 6
What's Been Done So Far
Event Timeline
The Men
## Latest News ##
Gun Emplacement Video ## New ##
NZHPT Registration report.
Angelfire Free Homepages
