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Coloring Book

The following are various artists' Soul Calibur fan art that I simply decided to color. A link of the original work of art is displayed under each picture. Under each picture you will also find my thoughts on the artwork.


Drawn by Sean-Yunsung

This drawing was done by Sean-Yunsung of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color.You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 07/24/03 (about 4 hours).
This is the first picture that I decided to color becauser Yunsung is my favorite character of the Soul Calibur series. Pictures of Yunsung are so rare so, this picture is very prized. The wonderful shading and character is what inspired me to color it. I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to edit and color the picture. I really liked the strong shading in this picture because I could simply use the overlay paintbrush option and the burn tool to give it a more real look. I later on used the smudge tool on it to smooth out some of the edges. I had a little trouble with the lighting of the picture and tried to correct it by darking the whole image. I picked a background that resembled paradise and peace to match Yunsung's character. In conclusion, this was my fist attempt at coloring and in doing so learned a lot of neat tricks with Photoshop.


Drawn by Master

The drawing was done by Master of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color.You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 07/26/03. (about 3 hours).
I like Master's work a lot and meant to do this for quite some time. This picture really got my attention because of the amazing perspective. It appears as if Voldo is jumping off of the page. The shading was very nice. I especially like how the shading was left out of the clothes, a unique style of Master. I made a lot of use with currently my favorite tool, the burn tool. I chose a mysterious background to match with Voldo. I did quite a bit of editing to the background. It initially had a brown hue, which I changed to green. My goal was to give it the look of the Money Pit. I also went over the whole background with the burn tool. In conclusion, I gained more experience and love for the burn tool.


Drawn by Master

The drawing was done by Master of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color. You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 07/28/03 (about 4 hours).
This would have to be my favorite Ivy fan art. I like the way she looks: innocent, vicious, sexy and dominating. Ivy is a complex character with a lot of things on her mind and this picture brought that out perfectly. Out of all the pictures I've done, I would say this would be the hardest so far. Ivy's stance is quite dominating but I wanted to include that innocent look that I saw in the picture. This posed the problem. I then decided to use pink as the color of her dress, which would appear innocent. I initialy used the burn tool, but lost the innocent look completly. I decided to use the smudge tool in order to give her a softer look. The smudge tool also help me create the reflective fiery look of her gauntlet. I chose the fire as a background to give a hint of her history. The fire represents the torn home from where she was raised at and the chaotic life she is forced to live now. In conclusion, I learned that you must be as delicate with the coloring of the female body as you must be with them in life.


Drawn Devon Cady-Lee

The drawing was done by Devon Cady-Lee. I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color. You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 07/29/03 (about 1 hour).
This has to be the best Nightmare picture I've ever seen. I like how the artist drew Nightmare in their own fashion: the spurs, the cape and the unique sword. This was the easiest for me to color because there was plenty, and I mean a lot of shading. I simply colored the cape, sword and hand, then used the burn tool to give it all a more menacing look. I also used the smudge tool in some areas where I didn't want the shading to be so prominent. I picked a simple chaotic background. In conclusion, it took me no time at all to complete, but it still had a nice outcome.


Drawn by Master

The drawing was done by Master of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color.You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 07/30/03. (about 3 hours).
Master released yet another great picture of Ivy. I decided to color this one as well. I liked her stance a lot, beyond the obvious reasons, heh. I like how she looks to be in a state of turnmoil and confussion. Well with this picture I wanted to give her a darker look, so I used the burn tool more. I used the smudge tool slightly to smooth some edges. I chose a simple background, a sunset at the beach... pleasant. I altered the the background to be blood red to match her chaotic state. I also greatly darkened it. In conclusion, I believe her mood is poured out in this image through darkness.


Drawn by Master

The drawing was done by Master of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color.You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 08/04/03. (about 2 hours).
This is an older piece, done by Master, of Astaroth. It had a lot of unique shadowing which matched Asty perfectly. I colored it and used the burn tool over the edges. I used the smearing tool in a couple of places to keep everything smooth. The pose was most impressive aswell, so I picked a background that would compliment it. With the background I wanted to give a look of false hope with the window up above while Asty was the impending doom. In conclusion, I gained a new respect to how important a background can be.


Drawn by Master

The drawing was done by Master of I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 to color.You can find the original HERE. I completed coloring of this on 08/07/03. (about 3 hours).
This picture, drawn by Master, shows Taki in her SC 1 costume. Unlike a lot of her pictures, you can tell that she is a ninja because of her stance. I wanted the picture to be dark and mysterious. I added shadow and lowered the contrast which resulted in a very dark look. By doing this I feel that it only complimented her pose. I chose a simple roof with a moonlight as the background, which was also darkened. I added light for the moon then lined it up with her blade to bring attention to it being unsheathed. By bringing attention to the sword I wanted to show her true purpose in life; that of an assassin. In conclusion, through a lot of shadowing I was able to create the desired mood.

More to come!

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