David Mahler
Born in 1906 in Stanislaw, Western Ukraine, he was a member of «Zionist Socialist Youth». In 1947 he was arrested on the charge of attempting to leave the Soviet Union for Eretz Israel, and sent to exile in Siberia. Released in 1954, he still had to wait till 1965 for permission to leave for Israel. He died in 1986.

Chaya Mazinter
Born on Sept. 14th 1923 in Lithuania, she became a member «HaShomer HaTzair» at an early age. Using her job position and connections, she helped Jews in Vilnius to escape to Poland en route to Eretz Israel. In 1947 she and her husband Gilel Mazinter were arrested on charges of subversive Zionist activities and connections with international Zionism. She was sentenced by "Troika" (a special non-juridical body of 3 KGB persons) to 10 years imprisonment in the Gulag. She served her sentence in Potma, Mordovia. Released in 1956, she managed to get to Israel, together with her husband, in 1966.

Hannania Meitin
Born on 29th of July, 1924 in Riga, Latvia, he was 18 years old when he joined «HaShomer HaTzair» in his city, and was an active member of the movement before the Soviet occupation. Even after the occupation he continued his Zionist activities. He was arrested by the MGB twice: the first time in 1947 and the second time in 1950. Altogether he spent 8.5 years in prison. After being released in 1956, he still had to wait till 1971 before being allowed to emigrate to Israel. He died in 1992.

Pinchas Rodashevsky
Born in 1899 in Vilno, Poland, he graduated from the Kovno University in Kaunas and taught at Jewish schools. After WWII he worked in the underground preparing Jews whose aim was to get to Eretz Israel. In 1947 he was arrested and sentenced (without even his presence in the court) to 10 years imprisonment in labor camps. His family was sent to exile in Krasnoyarsk. He spent his sentence in concentration camps of Komi ASSR. His book «Memoirs of a Prisoner of Zion» was published in Israel. He was released in 1957 and continued to struggle for his right to leave for Israel. Not till 1972 did he obtain permission to come to Israel together with his family. He died in 1978.

Anatoly Rubin
Born in 1928 in Minsk, Belarus, he was taken to the Minsk ghetto during the German occupation but managed to escape from there. In 1947 owing to anti-Semitic libel at work he was falsely accused of being a deserter. Sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in the labor camp in Kemerovo, he was released after an appeal the following year. Thereafter he persistently engaged in Zionist activity and kept contacts with the Israeli Embassy in Moscow. In 1958 he was arrested again on the charge of Zionist activity and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment in labor camps. As a Zionist and as a Jew he conducted a proud and courageous struggle against the anti-Semitism he was confronted by among both the convicts and the guards. Released in 1964, he obstinately continued his Zionist propaganda. In 1969 he came to Israel. He is the author of an exciting autobiographical book «Brown Boots and Red Boots». He married Zeev Zhabotinsky's granddaughter.

Nathan Rudominer
Born in 1927 in Vilnius, Lithuania, he was arrested in 1947 on charges of Zionist activity and an attempt to desert the army in order to escape to Eretz Israel. Sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in the Gulag, he was released in 1955, and within 2 years managed to come to Israel.

Musia Saliten
Born on Dec. 25th, 1923 in Kaunas, Lithuania, she became an active member of «HaShomer HaTzair». In 1947, in attempting to cross the border between the Soviet Union and Poland en route to Eretz Israel, she was arrested and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in the Gulag plus 2 years in exile. Released from camp in 1952, she suffered for her cause for another 29 year before being allowed to go to Israel, together with her husband, also a Prisoner of Zion. She died in 1993.

Zalman Saliten
Born by on February 28, 1919, in Kaunas, Lithuania, he became an active member of “HaShomer HaTzair” from an early age and, before WWII, was occupied in Zionist propaganda among Jewish youth. In 1947 he was caught attempting to cross the Polish border en route to Eretz Israel and was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in the Gulag plus 2 years in exile. His sentence was served in a camp near Arkhangelsk. Released from the camp in 1952, he still had to fight for a visa until 1972, when he went to Israel together with his wife, also a Prisoner of Zion. He died in 1994.

Shlomo (Simon) Shoham (Shogun)
Born in 1924 in Kaunas, Lithuania, he was an active member of the sports youth movement «Young Makkabist» in his home city. After WWII he became an activist in an underground students’ organization and gathered around him a group of youth intending to go to Eretz Israel. Arrested in 1947 on charges of the Zionist activity and attempting to flee the Soviet Union, he was sentenced by OSO to 7 years imprisonment in the Gulag plus 12 years in exile. Released ahead of schedule in 1964, he was still not granted a visa till 1971 when he managed to get to Israel.

Arie Shwartzberg
Born in 1922 in Ionits, Poland, to a Zionist family, he joined the "Beitar" movement at an early age and diligently raised money for the Zionist funds «Keren Kayemet» and «Keren HaYesod». After WWII, he joined a group of Jews in Baranovichy which was preparing to flee Soviet Union illegally for Eretz Israel. Arrested in 1947 on charges of Zionist subversive activity, he was sentenced by OSO to 10 years of imprisonment in the Gulag. He served his time in Inta, Komi ASSR till he was released in 1954 on probation and in 1960 went to Israel together with his family.

Yosef Max Surkis
Born on June 15th, 1923 in Romania, he became a member of «Makkabi HaTzair» at an early age. After WWII he moved to Chernovtsy and in 1947 tried to leave the Soviet Union for Romania, in the hope of reaching Eretz Israel. Arrested and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in the Gulag, he served his time in the camp of Urallag. Released in 1952, but was not allowed to fulfill his dream of getting to Israel until 1977.

Yosef Teitelboim
Born in 1908 in Lithuania, he joined the "Beitar" movement where he was an active member till 1939. He instructed and prepared many halutsim-(pioneers) for their eventual aim of living in Eretz Israel. At the beginning of the Soviet occupation he had to go underground. After WWII, in Vilnius, he was one of the organizers of "HaBriha" - a movement to escape from the Soviet Union by crossing the Polish border and getting into to Eretz Israel. In 1947 he was arrested and sentenced by OSO to 7 years of hard labour in the Gulag plus 4 years in exile. He continued his Zionist activities in the concentration camp as well. Released in 1956 and came to Israel in 1959.He died in 1993.

Lev Tomerman
Born in 1898 in Lithuania, and became a professor of physics and mathematics. In 1947 was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet activity, when he expressed his desire to leave the Soviet Union for Eretz Israel. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. His sentence was served in the infamous Vladimir Central prison. Released in 1954, he went to Israel in 1972. He died in 1986.

Lidia Tomerman
Born in 1906, she, too, was arrested in 1947 together with her husband for their desire to go to Eretz Israel, and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. Her sentence was also served in the infamous Vladimir Central prison. Released in 1954, she came to Israel in 1972. She died in 1988.

Abraham Ben-Nahman Verses
Born in 1922 in Vilnius, Lithuania, while serving in the Red Army in 1943, was wounded at the front, and hospitalized in Moscow. There he contacted some Jewish young people, began spreading Zionist propaganda among them, collected and distributed Zionist and Judaic literature, lectured about Zionism and took part in the organization of underground aliyah to Eretz Israel. After returning to the army he helped the Jewish soldiers to get demobilization ahead of schedule and instructed them on how to cross the borders en route to Eretz Israel. In 1947 he was arrested by MGB (the predecessor of KGB) on charges of subversive Zionist activity and sentenced to 8.5 years in the Gulag plus 6 months of exile in Komi ASSR (Gulag territory on the North of the European part of the USSR). Released in 1956, he managed to get to Israel within a year. He is a member of the executive committee and the High Council of the Organization of Prisoners of Zion.

Zalman Yavetz
Born in 1913 in Lithuania, he was an active member of "Beitar" in Vilkomir, Lithuania. Arrested in 1947 while attempting to flee Lithuania to Poland in order to reach Eretz Israel, he was kept for 6 months under investigation in a jail in Vilnius, and then sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment in the Gulag. His sentence was served in the camps of Komi ASSR. Having served his time to the full, he was released in 1958 and went to Israel. He died in 1976.