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Troop 549 News!

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Troop 549

Troop News

This is where a picture of the girls will go.

We are a troop of Brownies and Juniors in Greenville, SC. Our troop started 4 years ago (in 1998) and most of us have been together for the last 3 years. Our Brownies are: Alex, Alexis, Chloe, Emily K., Kary, Victoria, Jasmine, Denisia, Emily C. Our Juniors are Allison, Rachael, and Olivia. We hope to have some pictures to show you soon.

Want to contact us?

Cookie Kick-off Meet at Haywood Mall - center court for activities and fun. You might even be on TV! John Cessarich from WYFF will be there. If you can't make it you can stil earn the Cookie Activity Pin by doing the activities on your own.

Thinking Day Feb 22 This year our troop will be exchanging postcards with troops from all 50 states and several foreign countries. This is part of an annual Thinking Day Postcard Exchange. We'll also get a participation patch. Your cost is $1 for the patch (troop will cover the remining $1.50)

Get Ready for Camping! We have started planning our first camping trip as a troop! We'll be making a budget, menu, planning activities at meetings.

Brownie Weekend:3rd Grade Only
April 11-12 or 12-13. Cost $12 per girl. At least one adult volunteer is needed to attend. Girls will complete requirements to complete 'bridging' to Junior level

May 3-4

Brownie Encampment:All Brownies And Junior Camping Jamboree
Adults needed to accompany Brownies since both of these events are on the same dates. Please contact Juli if you can volunteer.

Friendship Boxes:
Please fill these per the instructions and return in February.

PFP Campaign:
The Parent-Friend Partnership campaign has started. Community partners have been mailed letters asking for their support. Parents and family are also asked for their support in this campaign. As little as $2 per registered girl in the Old 96 Council's area could raise over $6,000. Please consider making a donation, small or large, to help support all the worthwhile programs the council provides for our daughters.

The Scouting Way

Our Motto: Be Prepared!

This site is not authorized by, sponsored by, or approved by Old 96 Girl Scout Council or GUSUA.

Troop 549

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