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Up & Under F.C.

Latest Result: Up & Under 6-4 Culmstock

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Welcome to a Different Kind of Non-League Football Team

Located in Exeter, Devon Up & Under are the most exciting new Football Club to hit the Devon & Exeter Intermediate 3 League this season. Why should all the big boys of football get all the internet glory, I say this is a step towards recognition for the minnows of Non-League football. It may be a low league in status, but it means just as much to win a match for these chaps as it does for the big guns in the Football League. So this is a website for the up and coming Up & Under F.C. who will set some standards in the lower reaches of Non-League Football !!

Bulletin Board

bullet Any suggestions made by fans, officials or players will be posted here, if either requested or suitable.
bulletThe Team Page is currently awaiting photos from the players, when I get them, they will be added.
bulletAll Match reports are up-to-date now if you would care to view them.
bulletWell done to Rory Meakes who has received 3 Star Man awards in a row for his defensive performances.


bullet Bideford AFC. The Robins in the Western League have connections to U&U.
bullet Contact the Club Secretary Scott Forster.


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This site was last updated 11/26/02