"The Column" by Sully The Column
Summary-Loose lips, reporters, and birthdays.


The lights in Chloe Sullivan’s downtown apartment flicked on to reveal the aforementioned woman with her mouth hanging wide open.

“Chloe! Happy birthday!” Lauren ran to her and gave her a big hug as Chloe’s shock started to wear off.

“Very nice, guys. I was SO not expecting this. And if I didn’t have two hundred and ten high school student’s essays to grade by Tuesday, I’d love it anymore.” Chloe addressed the group of friends that encircled her as the rest mingled and talked, knowing she would make her ‘rounds.

“We understand, but you work too damn hard!” A member of Jonathan Mayor High’s staff cried out.

“Still the same, eh, Chloe?” A dark haired woman stepped out from the semi-shadows and looked Chloe in the eyes.

“Lois. How nice of you to make time in your schedule for lil’ old me, cos,” Chloe grinned, hugging her.

“Talk to the big guy. For once, there isn’t a world crisis….for now, at least.” Lois said as another dark haired figure joined the pair of women.

“Guess you can grow accustomed to be left at the drop of a hat with no warning. Hey, Clark.” Chloe said, hugging him good heartedly.

“Since it’s your birthday, I’m going to let that one slide.” He replied as Lois slipped into the crowd, recognized the need for the two to talk.

“This must be the first time in…two years you haven’t had a column deadline or a third world country to save.” Chloe said, grabbing a drink off a table that was otherwise covered with brightly covered gifts.

“Hey, you only turn 21 once.” He replied, shrugging. “Did I apologize about that issue of the Planet yet?”

“Not in the past two years, although Lois has. Frequent graveling is always appreciated though.” The more toned down blonde answered.

“Yeah, well, I suck. But you know how it is, right?” He asked, like he did ever time they saw each other.

“Do I understand, as a journalist, that you needed to get the scoop on “ ‘Lex Luthor’s Girl’? That, I get. Why you felt you had to betray me, I never will understand. But hey, now you have a nationally syndicated column. You’re like the new generation’s gossip column. I understand that must feel good too.”

“Molding the minds of this nation’s future must feel pretty nice too, right?”

“Something like that. It’s not news-worthy, but I like it. Oh, I think it’s time for cake!” Chloe squealed as the lights dimmed and she ran to the center of the room where she was almost instantly surrounded.

“Hey, buck up, Superman.” A familiar female voice said, Lois suddenly next to him.

“ ‘How to Make Right What AYou’ve Done Wrong’ Another column for another day, I guess.”
