"The Daydream" by Fernando Title: The Daydream
Author: Fernando (FaItHzAnGeL)
E-mail: fivexangel@aol.com
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville, at all.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nothing, really.
Author’s Notes: Response to a Challenge over at the website: Welcome to Smallville.

The Daydream

She purred.

She physically, literally, purred.

A smile spread across her face and Chloe Sullivan was happy. The entire world made sense, and Clark Kent was hers. Clark Kent was kissing her at this moment. Her hands placed firmly on his chest, the firm body close to hers against the wall in the Talon, and she wanted more.

Clark Kent made her purr.

She watched as he pulled away from her and gave her that big goofy grin he was always known for, the one that made her his. He grinned, “Wow,” was all he said.

Chloe nodded in agreement, placing a head on his shoulder, his strong, broad arms around her and all was well with the world.

Clark Kent placed his chin on her head and fondly stroked her back, “I’ll never leave you.” She smiled, listening to his heart beat, taking a deep breath as he whispered firmly, “Never.”

“Chloe…” he said softly.

“Chloe!” Clark said more firmly.

“Huh?” she said jumping in her seat, her eyes blinking, waking from her daydream.

Clark smiled, “Hey Chloe, zoning out?”

Chloe cleared her throat, “Uh, yeah…” She smiled, “I was just…thinking about maybe changing the look of the Torch, you know? Maybe add something to grab the reader’s attention, you know, since we’re lacking with the great writing, like, oh, say an article that was due yesterday.”

Clark gave her a sheepish grin, “Sorry.”

Chloe shrugged, “No problem, Clark. Just get it to me, you know, now?”

Clark shook his head, “As luck would have it, I do have it.”

Chloe grinned, “Great!”

Clark handed her the article and she took it gladly, watching him wave goodbye, tell her some excuse or another to make a quick exit, and watched him head out the door – only stopping to watch Ms. Lana Lang talking with a customer.

Chloe sighed and headed back to the school, to do a quick job with the editing to add Clark’s story to The Torch before she had to send it off to print the next day.
