"The Xerox" by Sully "The Xerox"
Summary-It's way to early for Pete and Chloe.

“Pete!” Chloe bellowed from her seat in the Torch office on a bright Saturday morning.

“Whh-at?” He called back, coming into the room. “Do you have any idea how much I love you? It is eight in the morning on a Saturday, and I’m here, helping you do something or another…I was still half asleep when I talked to you, so I don’t remember.”

“Move on, Pete, move on. You sleep too much anyways. And, if I hadn’t gotten you away from the house, wouldn’t you have had to clean or something?” Chloe grinned her superior grin.

“I hate it when you’re right, I hate it when it’s early. I already hate today, and I’ve only been awake half an hour.” Pete grumbled.

“You think you’re having a bad morning? Look at what I found taped to my computer screen.” Chloe replied, handing him a piece of printer paper. “This is enough to make me have nightmares.” She said, sighing.

Pete grinned as he took the paper. “Oh, you know it’s the best thing in the world to wake up to.”

“Oh yes, I’m going to go home and frame it.” Chloe answered, taking it back and depositing it in the trashcan. “I thought we had that talk about Xeroxing your butt.”

“But it’s funny! Come on, Lana’s computer is next.” Pete pleaded.

“How old are you? Mr. Reynolds said he’s all for free speech and finding the truth, but that he draws the line at finding 15 Torch copies to copy…body parts. He doesn’t like it!” Chloe answered.

“Fine. But,” Pete said, reaching into the trashcan and grabbing the recently discarded picture “Can I just do one more? Just Lana?” He grinned.

“Oh, Lord…” Chloe sighed, leaning her head against the back of her computer chair.
