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Promo & Episode Videos All the episodes in order, latest one at the top Artwork for this series

Hope everyone likes the new look! Please give me feedback on it!

I have decided to start the Season Seven site from scratch, but this time I will post a story every weekend, or if not a story, a Promo video or art at least. As I read over my last two stories, I decided I didn't like them, so I am planning a whole heap of new stuff, and I'm drawing up some art.

The newest addition, is the Videos section. This includes:
The New credits for my season seven, and a short 1 minute video for the upcoming episodes. If you would like to find out how to make a music video, click here.

Any Comments, suggestions e.t.c… please email them to me! Feedback e.t.c is greatly appreciated!

News, Updates & things to come:

Last Updated: Monday 18th February 2002.

- Credits video Added, click here to see it.
- Whole new look revamped the site!
- A Banner to link to me added @ the bottom of this page.
- Artwork by Sara Posted.

Things to come: REVISED ON: Monday 18th February 2002.

- Promo Video for the first episode.
- Artwork for the first episode.
- Season Premiere: "As Darkness falls" to be posted.

News of The Xenaverse: REVISED ON: Monday 18th February 2002.

- Kevin Smith (Ares) dies after a fall in China.
- FIN part 2: Directors cut to be released on DVD in the UK in:
- UK Starfury Xena convention getting closer! Date: End of July.

Navigation Bar for the Graphically Challenged :

1. Videos: New season seven credits, made by me & a Promo video for the upcoming episode.

2. Episodes: All the episodes, with a small synopsis & title image, with links to the story.

3. Art: Artwork for the series done by me, or any one who would like to help out.
(If you would like to do some art, see below)

Calling All Artists:
I am not brilliant at drawing, so I would like someone (A talented artist) to draw some pictures from various episodes in this series. It is a non profit scheme, but will require you to read the current episode and draw up one of the scenes.
I am in desperate need of help, and would appreciate someone to help me out tin the drawing department.

Thanks for taking time to read this.
Jane -- Email me 

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