ScarletFBL's Stargate Recs

Favorite Stargate Sites

Area 52
SGA Big Bang

The MOST RECENT recs are at the bottom of the page.

If you can't find one of these stories, e-mail me. Who knows. I might have a copy stashed away somewhere.

The more asterisks, the higher my personal rating of the story is. *****+ is my TOP FAVORITE. What is YOUR rating?


R:= My personal review that may contain SPOILERS.

Heed the warnings on my homepage.

(SG-1) = Stargate: SG-1/(SGA) = Stargate: Atlantis
(NCIS/SGA) Stardust by Kikkimax: (August 22, 2008) The team comes across a scene with three charred bodies, and a man who can't remember. *****+

(SGA) Aegis by Springwoof and Leah: (August 31, 2008) In a world where some people have Gifts, John and Rodney can't make something as mundane as a relationship work.
R: This doesn't really count as a crossover because it's a crossover that is canon...right? John/Rodney ****

(SGA) Every Day in Every Way by velocitygrass: (Sept. 01, 2008) After a misunderstanding on a mission, John and Rodney come to make an arrangement. HIGHLY RECCED!!! John/Rodney *****+

(SGA) The Neighborly Detective and the Woobie Widower by Elayna: (September 03, 2008) Detective John Sheppard starts a new life in suburbia, and becomes steadily captivated by his neighbor, Dr. Rodney McKay, and his son, Timothy.
R: The pacing was great, and the sex/love scenes were great. Timmy is a great character. I highly recommend this. John/Rodney *****+

(SGA) Resilience by Tira Nog: (September 10, 2008) Rodney reluctantly seeks comfort from John after being rejected once again by a beautiful woman.
R: Though this story has so many seriously fluffy, sappy moments, and enough sugary-sweet bits to screws with my diabetes, I have to rec this because it made me CRY. Not tear up, but cry. I dunno, maybe it caught me at the right time. -_-" ***½

(DEAD LIKE ME/SGA/SG-1) Dead Like Them by LaytonColt_ForCryingOutLoud: (September 17, 2008) Rodney is killed in a freak accident, but instead of passing on, he becomes a reaper. Dead Like Me universe X-Over John/Rodney ****½

(SGA) The Beautiful People series by Gaia: (Nov. 29, 2008) Rodney has issues with beautiful people; John is no exception. John/Rodney *****

(SGA) Hindsight by glitterati: (Nov. 29, 2008) John isn't a part of SGA, but an FBI agent.
R: This story is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I couldn't stop smiling because it was so funny. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a story solely based on humor. It IS brilliant, though. John/Rodney *****

(SGA) Bell Curve: Ladies Night at the Boom Boom Room by glitterati (A.K.A. Rageprufrock): (Nov. 30, 2008) Rodney follows his ex-girlfriend into a club.
R: Once again, glitterati hits all the right notes with this fic and its sequels. Her stories are the perfect balance of angst, a hint of sap, and humor. Rodney/John *****

(SGA) Into This World by Chelle: (Jan. 10, 2009) Rodney gets trapped in an alternate universe. When he returns, John tries to figure out why he‘s acting so distant. Rodney/AU!John, John/Rodney, AU!Jeannie/AU!Carson *****

(SGA) Small Primes and Square Roots by Livia (liviapenn): (Jan. 10, 2009) John Sheppard makes a “donation” to Rodney McKay’s sister, Jeannie.
R: This story was sweet. John/Rodney ****

(THE SENTINEL/SG-1) Tryst by Kikkimax: (September 03, 2008) Daniel gets off a plane during a layover in Cascade.
R: Okay, I usually don't like the IDEA of 3-somes, but you gotta read this. Jim/Daniel/Blair (STARGATE: SG-1) *****+

(DEAD LIKE ME/SGA/SG-1) Dead Like Them by LaytonColt_ForCryingOutLoud: (September 17, 2008) Rodney is killed in a freak accident, but instead of passing on, he becomes a reaper. Dead Like Me universe X-Over John/Rodney ****½

