1. Why Time is on the Creationists' Side
Evolutionists use time to try to prove their points, saying that if enough time (billions of years in their case) is alloted, then it will eventually happen. If lightning strikes a pool of protozoan muck enough times, it will make an ameoba. If given billions of years, an ameoba will transform into a human. This is the outrageous theory of anti-Creationists, but it should be noted that over time, things slow down, degrade, and get worse. Trees degrade and go back into the soil. Soil doesn't grow into a tree. Trees come from a planted seed, the seed grows, lives its life, and degrades, going to where it belongs. Surpringsly, it is a fact that human beings are becoming less and less intelligent, although we have a larger access to information, every generation is less intelligent and has less common sense and worse processing skills. When we get older, our body gets worse and then we die, and we cannot naturally spring to life again. If given a long period of time, a living thing, or an entire living race in general, will get worse, it won't grow into all kinds of different species.

2. Moon Landing Disproves Evolution
Before the moon landing, scientists had thought that if Earth and the Moon really were billions of years old, the surface would have eroded away into dust, thousands of feet deep, which would be dangerous for astronauts in the case that they might sink into the Moon's surface like quicksand. But when they landed on the moon, they discover only a little bit of the surface eroded away and there was a very thin layer of the dust.

3. Meteorites Don't Tell Earth's Age
Scientists have dated the Earth as about 4.6 billion years old. The only problem with that is, they made that date by using a radioisotope dating... on a meteorite. A meteorite is a piece of another planet that had been chipped off and flung to the earth. So, the planet where the meteorite was from is dated 4.6 billion years old, but that doesn't tell us anything about our planet--the Earth's--age.

4. If Evolution Were True, We Would Have No Sun
Our sun shrinks at a rate of 5 feet per hour. If we were only to go back one million years, going by the rate of the sun's shrinking, the size of the sun would have made so much heat that it would be impossible for life to survive on Earth. This puts a one million year limit on Earthling life. Evolution requires a 4 billion-year-old Earth.

5. Meteors Prove Earth's Recent Existence
Meteors fly through space and hit the Earth as meteorites. So, if the Earth has been hit by meteors all throughout its existence (which evolutionists conclude is 4.6 billion years), then there should be meteorites on all layers of sediment in the Earth. If the Earth's sediments were deposited over billions of years, we should find meteorites throughout the various levels of sediment on the Earth's surface. Unfortunately for Evolutionists, that is not the case. We only find these rocks on the top of the Earth's surface.

6. Proof for Creationism on the Ocean Floor
25 billion tons of sediment is eroded away from the continents and washed into the ocean each year. At that rate, it would only take 20 million years for all of the continents to have eroded below sea level. 20 million years is obviously nowhere near the billions of years required for Evolution.

7. Radioisotope Dating Unreliable
Many, many times, when something is dated using the radioisotope method, the ages come up as very different. When ages of samples conflict, paleontologists throw out the samples, concluding that they must be "contaminated". How can the "old earth" theory not seem like it's correct when every time a paleontologist thinks that if a rock doesn't line up with the date he thinks it should line up with, he throws it out! All of the "un-contaminated" samples that seem to support evolution are kept, strangely, while the other samples that seem to support Creationism are thrown out because they must be "contaminated".

8. Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter Support Creation
Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter each give off two times as much heat as our sun does, and since they are constantly building up more and more heat fusion, gravity, and decay, it is clear that the three planets have not been around long enough to cool off. The solar system hasn't been around long enough for Evolution to take place.

9. Hualalai Volcano Lava Flow in Hawaii Disproves Radioisotope Dating
The Hualalai Volcano in Hawaii erupted around 1800 AD. A sample was taken and two tests were performed on the same sample: The first test concluded that the lava flow took place 140 million years ago, and yet another test exclaimed that it took place 2.96 billion years ago!

10. The Moon is too Close
It is a known fact which has been observed since the 1700's that the rate of rotation of the Earth is slowing down. And the closer the Moon is to us, the faster the Earth will rotate because of the gravitational pull of the Moon. This means that the Moon is moving away from the Earth. At the rate that the Moon is moving away from the Earth, we could look back in time and see that if the Moon has been orbiting us as long as Evolutionists claim, the Moon should be much, much farther away than it is now.

11. Salt Lake Crater on Oahu Disproves Radioisotope Dating
A test was done on a rock from the Salt Lake Crater on Oahu using the radioisotope dating. The results: The first test said that the rock was 400,000 years old. The second test said that it was 2.6 million years old, and the third test said the rock was 3.3 billion years old. This proves that radioisotope dating produces incorrect results, and very often, such as the case here, the results aren't even close.

12. If Evolution Were True, Saturn Would Have No Rings
The rings of Saturn are constantly being hit by meteoroids. Scientists estimate that the rings will have been blasted away in 10,000 years. Using the rate of bombardment, if the solar system had been around as long as Evolution requires, the rings would not exist on Saturn.

13. Water Pressure Affects Radioisotope Dating--Remember Noah's Flood?
Tests performed on the Mt. Kilauea lava flow (which took place about 200 years ago) produced seemingly very strange results. The first test on the lava flow was taken at the part where it was 4,680 meters under water. The flow which took place 200 years ago was dated at about 21 million years. Samples taken from 3,420 meters dated the flow at about 12 million years. And samples of the lava flow taken from a depth of 1,400 meters were dated at 0 years. If more water pressure makes radioisotope dates look older than the samples really are, which it is, makes it pretty clear that the continuous and harsh pounding rain plus the prolonged submerging of the world in water (in Noah's Flood) altered the entire earth, thus "messing up" radioisotope dating. Number one, this proves the Noahic Flood, and number two, it proves that radioisotope has always been unreliable.

14. Salt in Oceans Disproves Evolution
If Evolution were true, and life started in a salty ocean 4 billion years ago, than there should be much, much more salt in the oceans than there currently is. There is more salt going into the oceans than going out, so, at the rate of salt transferral, the Earth could not be older than 62 million years, according to Dr. Steve Austin and Russell Humphreys. That is with "the most extreme conditions for input and the least extreme conditions for output" according to Peter Lalonde. If Evolution is true, the oceans today would be packed with salt. If the Earth were only 62 million years old, it still would not be enough to meet the requirements of Evolution.

15. Even More Proof Concluding Radioisotope Dating Doesn't Work
Of all the dating methods available, only a few give ages of millions or billions of years, and that is the radioisotope dating method.

16. Evolution Impossible Because of Helium
There is Helium present in the atmosphere, and because Helium is so light, it floats upward and escapes the atmosphere. The rate of escape can be calculated to figure the age of the Earth's atmosphere. Dr. Larry Vardiman, an expert on Physics, has calculated that if Evolution were to be true, due to the rate of accumulation of the Helium, the atmosphere could only 2 million years old. Evolution needs billions of more years to support its case, and without an atmosphere 2 million years ago, life on earth would have been impossible and even if Evolution were true, 2 million years would not be enough time for an ameoba to evolve into a human. If God created the Earth, He obviously had already prepared an atmosphere consisting of fully accumulated Helium from the start. Also, there is Helium below the surface of the rocks that escapes. Helium escapes at 13,000,000 square inches per second. Radioactive decay puts some Helium back into the surface of course, but not nearly as much as needed for Evolution. If this Helium accumulation and escaping has been going on for billions of years, there would be much less Helium below the surface. Creationism is the only one that can fit all the criteria for being true of the origin of life and the origin of the Earth. Evolution keeps falling short, and the Evolution theory has as many holes as swiss cheese.

17. Polonium-218 Defends Creationism
When dealing with elements, there is a material called the "parent material", and all parent materials break down into "daughter materials". When the "parent materials" break down into "daughter materials" they leave markings called "pleochloric halos" on the rock. Each element leaves its own unique and special kind of marking on the rock. Polonium-218 is a "daughter material". Therefore, when Polonium-218 breaks down, we should see its parent material's markings leftover in the rock. But there is no evidence that Polonium-218, a "daughter material", has a parent. Polonium-218 has a "half-life" of 3.05 minutes. That means if you have a bucket full of Polonium-218, after 3.05 minutes, you will only have half as much as you did before. And after 3.05 minutes, you will only have a half of that. Every 3.05 minutes, Polonium-218 cuts down to half of what it used to be. Polonium-218 will do this for only 10 times. This process only lasts 30.5 minutes. So after that approximately half-hour, the Polonium-218 will have left its "pleochloric halo", or its markings in the granite. But it has no trace of a parent. For Polonium-218 markings to have been left behind in granite, it means that the molten granite would have to have cooled in less than 90 minutes. While the granite was in its molten state, it would have destroyed the markings of the Polonium-218. So, this proves that the Earth could have been created solid with Polonium-218 in it and have cooled in an extremely short time! This definitely supports the Young-earth.

18. Earth's Magnetic Field Disproves Evolution
The magnetic field surrounding our earth protects us from unhealthy radiation. The half life of the magnetic field is about 1,400 years, meaning that every 1,400 years, the magnetic field is only half of what it used to be. According to the size of the magnetic field, and calculating by its half-life, if the earth has been around as long as Evolutionists claim, there would be no magnetic field, and it would have become impossible to survive long ago. If, by using the magnetic field, we were to look back in time at how strong the magnetic field once was, we would find that the Earth's magnetic field would be so strong, that life on Earth would have been impossible only 20,000 years ago. Yet, Evolutionists claim that the humans we see today have been around for one million years, and life before humans had been going on billions of years previous to that. Life could not have existed on Earth more than 20,000 years ago, due to the strong magnetic field. This is the clincher, proving that Evolution is impossible.

19. Population Growth Supports Young Earth
Evolutionists suggeest man has been around for about a million years. At the current rate of population growth (which is about 2%), the population, today, should be 10^8600, which is a 1 with 8600 zeros behind it. For Evolution to be true, you would have to drastically cut down the rate at which generations progress to about 0.002%!

20. O-Stars in Milky Way Disprove Evolution
O-Stars are stars that are rapidly burning their fuel up--much faster than our own sun. If our galaxy is as old as Evolutionists say it is, then the stars would be burned out by now. "If they (O-Stars) were once once large enough to support such a rate of disintegration, we should then be seeing the resulting characteristics like high rotation speeds and huge magnetic fields. But such tell-tale signs do not exist," Peter Lalonde.

21. Lack of Remains Disproves Evolution
If the population growth was at 0.002% as Evolutionists would have to say (See Statement #10, Population Growth), then there would have to have been trillions upon trillions of people who died in the last million years or so, but there are no human remains or tools and utensils to prove that that many people ever existed over a million years. Once again, the dating for the creation of the Earth lines up perfectly with God.

22. Maat Mons Proves Young Earth
On the planet Venus, a mountain which is taller than our Mount Everest exists. Now, we must note that the surface temperature is 1000*F, and that kind of temperature can melt tin, lead, and zinc! The crust of the surface of Venus is slowly melting away. If our solar system was created as long ago as Evolutionists say, the entire crust of Venus would be much too mushy to support mountains, and Maat Mons would be a big puddle of melted away goo.

23. Lack of Farming Knowledge Disproves Evolution
Archaeological discoveries reveal the truth that man has been planting food for only less than 10,000 years. How could a human survive and get the sustenance he needs if he doesn't know how to plant seeds in soil to grow his food? Also, it is quite obvious that if man has really been around for a million years, at least one of them would have discovered the process of planting a seed and growing food. The fact that this date lines up almost exactly with the time when the curse (Adam had to labor on the soil to produce food) from God is no coincidence, nor is it a surprise to Creationists.