An Anecdotal History (what's the deal with airline peanuts?)

The other day I'm on the bus heading home when I overhear a conversation (I was, as well as several people, sitting quite close to these two, and they were talking quite loudly). A college-age girl and guy are talking, the guy is saying that he doesn't have a lot of sex. But, he says, people assume he does b/c he has dated a lot of girls. The girl says, yeah! I always thought you did! The guy goes on to say that he never wanted to be like the kids in high school who would brag about each experience. He considered them dirty and never wanted to be like that. He continues to elaborate on how he's only slept with a few girls (people?). Then their stop comes and they both get off. Immediately the people that were sitting around them start laughing (I let out some giggles, I must admit). How completely ridiculous is that? Man, keep the sex talk for non-public transportation please.