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Maryland's Hauntings

Anne Arundel Co.

The Haunted Road
There is a road located in Crownsville where three spirits roam this road. Two young girls and murderer.

No one knows for sure what haunts this area, but there have been many witnesses of hearing things and seeing various apparitions.

Baltimore Co.

Druid Ridge Cemetery
Former home of the infamous
Black Aggie. An old statue that had red glowing eyes, and has freaked out numerous people. They reportedly have found dead people in front of the statue. The statue resided in the basement of the Smithsonian Museum for years.

Ft. Garrison
This fort was built in 1693 and used during the revolutionary days. It appears that there are 3 'resident ghosts' that remain here.

Soldier's Delight
Also known as Gravity Hill. Battle site in the late 1600's and in the Civil War. If you sit your car in neutral at the bottom of the hill there, the ghosts will push your car up the hill thinking it was one of their cannons. Although, the car phenomena was scientific disproven, there are still reports of shadows and footsteps.

Robert E. Lee Park
Another place no one knows for sure why it is haunted. Numerous witness accounts have seen apparitions late at night.

The Hampton Mansion
This historic mansion was previously owned by the Ridgely family. Different members of the family haunt this mansion. A falling chandelier can be heard crashing to the floor, only to be found still in place. Supposedly this meant that someone in the family was about to die. A book has been written about this mansion located in Towson. The National Park Service insists that it is not haunted.

Ft Howard
The barracks here are supposed to be haunted by numerous ghosts.

Todd's Inheritance
Apparitions of a man and a woman frequent this haunted house. This house was built over 200 years ago, and has a lot of history behind it. Currently its being renovated.


Baltimore City

Club Charles/Zodiac
1724 1726 N. Charles St. is the site of numerous paranormal activity at this Restaurant/Bar. Some reported activity includes: footsteps, shadows, a small white dog and bottles moving.

Edgar Allen Poe's Grave
Speaks for itself. He still gets a rose and a bottle of cognac for his birthday, and no ones knows is sure gets there.

Edgar Allen Poe's House
203 N. Amity St Open 12-3 daily for tours. Many apparitions and noises have been heard/seen here, particularly the apparition of a woman.

Fell's Point
Fell's Point dates back a few hundred years. People have supposedly seen soldiers from the revolutionary war walking around and then just disappearing.

Locust Point
A woman who died in a rocking chair with both her children in her arms, during the 1800's, now haunts this area.

USF Constellation
Located on Pier 1, this is probably Baltimore's most known haunting. Capt. Thomas Truxtum ordered Sailor Neal Harvey to be strapped to a gun while it was being shot. This killed Harvey, and now both he and the Capt. haunt the original ship. The ship that is now in Baltimore was built in 1853,and is not the original, it is believed to be haunted by a friend Sailor who tends to give tours to visitors!

Calvert Co.

Cedar Hill
TV's and lights turn on and off, tapping on your shoulder and doors can be heard slamming here.


Caroline Co.

Patty Cannon's House
Patty Cannon, a known kidnapper/murderer of freed slaves haunts her former house. Some creepy things supposedly happen up in her "torture" room upstairs. Footsteps are also heard.

Carroll Co.

Historic Westminster
The whole city is supposed to be haunted.

Opera house and Cockey's Tavern on Main St
Both have roaming spirits that many witnesses have talked about. Go ahead and visit, they like to discuss it with you.

Cecil Co.

Old Tavern & Farmhouse
250+ acre farm and tavern was burned down in the 1960's. While attempting to fix the farmhouse, workers noticed noises and footsteps and have seen the image of a hand in the stairwell.

Charles Co.

The Mudd Farmhouse
After Dr. Mudd was presidentially pardoned for his suspected role in the death of President Lincoln, he returned back to his farmhouse only to live a life he could never rebuild. Knocks at the door, footsteps, and an apparition have all been witnessed here.

Dorchester Co.

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
A mule, who used to reside here when living, can be seen with green eyes. Supposedly once this ghost has appeared, some sort of "disaster" will occur within 3 days.

Frederick Co.

Mount St. Mary's College
A confederate soldier and a former School President have been seen walking the campus. There's also supposedly a room in the college that no item can stay in a certain corner.

Frederick Historical Society
A woman in a long dress has been seen in this building. Old trunks reportedly have moved on their own.

Harford Co.

Rocks State Park
There have been many reported spirits seen in the area late at night while driving through the park.

Joppa's Old Wooden Bridge
On Jericho Rd in Joppa, there was an etched burning of a little girl on the base of the bridge, up until a few years ago. It is said that slaves used to be hung from the rafters.

Abandoned House
Located near the Harford County line, is an old run down house. Not much is known about this house, but it is definitely haunted.

Howard Co.

Hell House (Old St Mary's College)
An old all girls school that has been abandoned. People from the area that have been able to go there have seen and heard many spirits while visiting. There is no way of getting into the college without permission.

Seven Hills
Seven hills in a row located on College Road, supposedly if you hit the seventh hill right at midnight something amazing is supposed to happen.

Judge's Bench Pub
This pub is haunted by 'Mary' a young girl who hung herself on the 3rd floor.

The Oaklawn Cooking Ghost
Part of the Howard County Courthouse is haunted by a ghost that enjoys tormenting workers with the smell of bacon, eggs, and fresh coffee in the morning. Numerous lawyers have been in the building late and have heard footsteps from the upstairs.

Lilburn Mansion
Built in the mid 1850's, this mansion has had its fair share of hauntings. A child crying, cigar smoke, and footsteps in the tower have all been witnessed here. We've spoken to the current owner, and although she believes in ghosts, has never witnessed any paranormal activity.

Kent Co.

White House Farm
Footsteps, doors closing, and a woman has seen in a nightgown.

The Restaurant Ghost
There's a small restaurant in Kent Co. that is haunted by a young man. Supposedly he was killed in the upstairs and occasionally talks to customers.

Montgomery Co.

Annington Manor
An Oregon Senator and a group of soldiers supposedly haunt the battleground here. There is also a cemetery on the premises.

Harker Prep School
Footsteps upstairs, and a dark figure has been seen walking around.

Prince George's County

Mt. Airy Plantation
A number of different women have been reported to haunt this site.

Montpelier Mansion
Jefferson, Washington, Adams are among those that supposedly haunt this mansion.

Dueling Grounds in Bladensburg
More than 50 duels have been held here. Many dark shadows have been seen roaming the grounds.

Mary Surratt's House/Tavern
Mary's been seen in different areas of the house. Voices can be heard come from the rear of the house and a girl supposedly has been seen straightening beds there.

St. Mary's Co.

Pt Lookout State Park
Various apparitions have been seen at this former Civil War prison. Even the park rangers admit that it is haunted.

Talbot Co.

Gross Coate
A woman is seen floating from the upstairs going towards the front door to unlock it. The house is over 200 years old. The woman is supposedly Molly Tilghman.

Washington Co.

Bloody Run
Located on the Antietam Battlefield. Creek ran red with blood during the war, due to the enormous amount of deaths. Today it is dried up.

Gapland State Park
On the Washington and Frederick County line. Spirits have been reported around the monument.

Wicomico Co.

Hebron Ghost
On a certain road before it was paved, a yellow ball of light used to follow cars while they were driving. Supposedly after the road was paved, this "haunting" apparently has calmed down and isn't as frequent.