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Facts About The Populist Party

    The Populist Party is a fairly new party which is opposed to the European Union and to the trends towards globalize and corporatism. The Populists believe economic independence to be as important as political national independence

  1. The Populist Party was created by the Knights Of Labor as well as many farmers.

  2. In the Populist party we believe it is right to vote in a secret ballot.

  3. Also in the Populist party we believe that our Federal Government should take over our telephone, railroad, and telegraph companies instead of being charged too much or too little.

  4. In the Populist Party we also have been trying and trying to fight financial agreements for the farmers who are in debt.

  5. We also would like for the U.S. Capitals to start making both gold and silver for the farmers sake.

  6. Our representatives have been General James Weaver and 4 years after he retired we elected Jemmings Bryant.

  7. We have been in business since 1891

Our Goals

     We the populist party are trying to adopt a platform calling for free coinage of silver, abolition of national banks, a sub treasury scheme or a  similar system, a graduated income tax, plenty of paper money, government ownership of all forms of transportation and communication, election of Senators by direct vote of the people, no ownership of land by foreigners, civil service reform, a working day of eight hours, postal banks, pensions, revision of the law of contracts, and reform of immigration regulations. The goal of the Populists in 1892 was no less than that of replacing the Democrats as the nation's second party by forming an alliance of the farmers of the West and South with the industrial workers of the East. James B. Weaver was the Populist candidate for President that year, and he polled over 1,041,000 votes. The Populist votes in the 1894 congressional elections increased to 1,471,000 as the party gained momentum.                     Past Leaders: William Jennings Bryan

Another website about us

1. Are you not a person? We are the Peoples party and we are here to help you.

2. Ben will help you out of debt. Will you help him become president?

3. Our business works for your business

4. In Gold We Trust