Can you imagine the supprise when Alan Fraser at ECD in Portland, Oregon
came into the B-205 Yahoo Group and
asked if anybody would be interested in a B-205 his
company had in a warehouse?
Click on the thumbnails to see a bigger picture.
If you have questions requarding this machine, please
address them to Alan at the B205 Yahoo Group.
(See our
home page for info on joining the group, or e-mail me
at Brewers@FTC-I.net) Stan
This is the famous B-205 Drum Drive. You can see the
read/right heads numbered on the exterior of the drive.
This device stored a whopping 4,000 words!
Here is the B-205's CPU, I count over 600 vacume tubes here.
The CPU on the left with the drum drive on the lower
right, and the programmers panel above it.
A close up of the programmers panel. Also more of the
CPU is visible to the right of the panel.
The maintenance panel.
The manuals for the B-205.
The programmers desk with the paper tape drive
shown in the bottom right.
The Sci-Fi buffs will recognize the B-205 Console.
The back side of the B-205 Tape Drive, looking through
the side. Also visible(in the right of the image) is
another rack that I am not familiar with. Anybody know
what this is?
The Magnetic Tape drive again, viewed through the plastic wrap that helped to preserve the machine.