Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Reviewed By: Monica Medina

Rating: 6/10

With this light-hearted episode, we get to taste the perils Buffy faces dating while still being the slayer. The quiet and mysterious Owen takes an interest in Buffy, causing her to wonder can a girl have a boyfriend and still stop the Master's nefarious plans? In the background, we get an interesting peak at an ancient prophecy that speaks of the coming of the Anointed One, a powerful vampire who will help free the Master from his eternal prison. Buffy remains unconvinced about the prophecy and goes out on a date with Owen. This leaves Giles to fight the inevitable trouble that comes in the form of a group of vamps, one of which Giles believes to be the Anointed One. Eventually Buffy helps with the vamps, while an unknowing Owen tags along. Of course Owen gets hurt, and Buffy defeats the vamps, killing who she believes is the Anointed One. The following day Buffy faces the fact that dating is too dangerous for the Slayer and breaks up with a somewhat disappointed Owen.

This episode has some great scenes that set the tone for the remaining season: Buffy persuading Giles to let her go on a date (Buffy's need for a normal life), Owen asking Buffy out while a jealous Xander looks on (Xander's crush on Buffy), and Angel ignoring Cordelia for Buffy at the Bronze (Angel's love for Buffy). Some classic lines are delivered in this episode as well ("I mean, how'd the LAYING go last night? No, I don't mean that either."; "But...cute pubescent fantasies?"; and the all-time classic "Sure, he has a certain Owenosity.") .

Even with the light frivolity on the surface of this episode, the underlying seriousness of Buffy's position takes centre stage. The teen love angle has been addressed in every television show with teens in it, especially on the WB (think Dawson's Creek and Roswell). The difference with Buffy is that her dating is more perilous due to the slaying issue, which makes for an interesting and sad storyline.

While this show may have been a bit too light-hearted, overall the writers did a wonderful job of showing just how difficult it's going to be for our Buffy to have a normal life. At the same time, the foundation has been laid for the remainder of the season, with the setting up of some key relationships between the players on the show, the most important one being that of the Master and the Anointed One.

Great Buffy Moment: Willow, Buffy, and Giles how the “big deal” conversation – with Buffy and Willow taking about Buffy’s first date with Owen and Giles taking about the prophecy. I love Giles’ expression at this moment.

In A Nutshell: This may not have been the best show of the first season, but it had its moments.