
Reviewed by Adam Bardwell

Rating 10/10

I've just rewatched this episode before sitting down to write this review and I must say I'm quite shaken-up. This episode is so powerful its staggering as are the enormity of the events being depicted. At the same time, coupled with the compelling drama is a good deal of intrigue as it leaves plot threads hanging. Knowing what is to come, in the shape of the amazing seasons finale "Becoming" it is clear that this episode was designed as a set-up piece. I cannot stress how much this understates the episodes brilliance and with the death of a major reoccurring character this episode has to be more than significant.

This must be one of the most humourless episode of Buffy there is - the only episode that springs to mind with less humour in is "The Wish". This is by no means a down side for either show - they are two of my personnel favourites. I believe that a show can rely on humour too much and as Buffy can do such high quality drama, humour would be an unnecessary distraction. Having said all this this episode does have some funny moments such as Cordelia's concern over Angelus going in her car or Xander accusing Buffy of being a "Watchers Pet".

I really like the reversal in Giles and Jenny's relationship which the "Surprise" / "Innocence" brought us. Now Jenny is the one looking to make things up to Giles whilst after "The Dark Age" it had been Giles who had looked to reconcile with Jenny. Giles was able to make things up to Jenny but with her death she is unable to do the same. Of course ultimately her attempt to make things right pay off with Angel's soul being restored but what makes her death even more tragic is that she wasn't to know this. The fact that she admits to him that she loves him and later says the same of her adds to this tragedy.

This show was very well directed - I particularly liked the chase sequence between Jenny and Angelus. The side on shots in particular looked very good. The death itself also looked good and had a real power. However, this could be said for so many scenes. Another good example is Giles attempt to take revenge on Angelus. He clearly wants revenge and/or death due to the pain of his lose being so large. Buffy hitting Giles at the end of this scene was quite a surprise but great drama. I would have liked a little more of Buffy crying saying how she needs him. However, in compensation we did get the end scene with Buffy apologising to Giles for what has happend. Buffy blames herself for Angelus and her sense of greif is well played iin this scene and throughout the episode.

The episode paints Angelus as a very sick individual which is the point but it works and you really have to feel for Giles. The scene where he finds Jenny's body really brings home how evil Angelus is as well as Giles' pain. Angelus seems to get off on other peoples pain - the way he smiles when he sees Buffy and Willow find out about Jenny is chilling. This really is David Boreanaz best performance up to this point in the series. He seems to be having so much fun being evil and he's good at.

The performances are actually all good, like normal. Along with DB, Tony Head needs a special mention - he's amazing here. However, I was not happy with the characterisation of Dru. She seems so wooden and some of the dialogue seemed slightly out of character. I did however, like the tension between Spike and Angel and the more tension there is the more believable the events of "Becoming" become. The only other qualm I have is that Dru.'s discovery of Jenny's plan was a little contrived.

Great Buffy Moment: Giles finding Jenny's body (equal parts sad, sick and disturbing). Jenny's death itself is a close second.

In a nutshell: A superb episode which again shows that the series is prepared to make bold changes and put its characters through the wars.