Reptile Boy

Reviewed by Adam Bardwell

Rating: 6/10

There is no escaping it - this is a silly episode that adds little to the seasons story arc. However, it has its own charm and is quite an enjoyable watch. That is only if you accept its short comings which centre on the fact that compared to many other Buffy episodes it lacks drama, action and humour although it must be said there are some classic comic moments.

The episode starts promisingly with a humorous little scene showing how little social life Buffy, Willow and Xander. This is followed by a solid action sequence. However, after the titles things slow down a little.

The dialogue is good throughout and with so many Buffy episodes this is a big asset. A particular favourite of mine is Giles' "The paranormal is being more 'normal' and less 'para' lately". Cordy also has some funny lines such as, "I was SO busy really listening that I didn't hear much!". However,great dialogue can't cover up that nothing much is happening.

The funniest moment in the show has to be Xander's 'Pledge'. Xander in that wig and bra is totally droll. I like the fact that Xander thought he had to go to protect Buffy. It really shows how much he cares about her (and I think he was after an orgy!). Xander's interaction with Cordy is also worth mentioning for as normal there is some great fights. I suppose Cordelia's final comment that young men are the way to go was foreshadowing for what was to come between the two of them.

Talking of foreshadowing the best dram of the episode comes from a strong scene between Buffy and Angel which in hindsight could be considered as foreshadowing. Angel warns that things could out of hand if they got together which clearly points to the events of the latter half of the season. This scene also features the following infamous exchange which demonstrates just how strong Buffy's feelings for Angel are:

Angel: "This isn't some fairy tale: when I kiss you you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after." Buffy: When I kiss you, I want to die!"

I wasn't very keen on Buffy lying to Giles - it does not set a good example to the viewer and it seems a little out of character. However, I can see the point to her lying, like the alcohol it is showing the problem that teenagers face. The fact that her lying and drinking almost lead to the lose or hers and others lives shows how these things can blow up in you face. However, this moralising could have been a little subtler.

The idea of the rich gaining there wealth a power from a demon is a good one. It is a pity that the idea was reused with the Mayor in episodes such as "Band Candy" and the Angel episode "Expecting".

Despite of the positive aspect mention this is a mediocre episode by Buffy standards. The lack of realism with the demon Machida is part of the reason for this although too be fair the makeup looks good until more than his top half is shown when the illusion of a snake is blown (well in fact I don't think you can ever believe that it is a snake!). No in fact the episodes main problem have already been mentioned - its slow and does little for the continuity. This latter point doesn't have to matter - stand alone shows can be great, however, for this to be the case an episodes needs good quality dram, action and for Buffy humour. This show sadly is only make a reasonable attempt and only the latter.

Great Buffy Moment: Xander dancing in the wig, bra and make-up.

In a nut shell: Good dialogue but a silly plot which adds little to the continuing story but yet it is lacking as a stand alone show.