When Norman Pfister Attacks...

During Junior year, Spike called upon The Order of Taraka. The Order of Taraka were dangerous henchmen who never gave up when it came to killing their target. Buffy, with the help of Kendra and her friends eliminated them. A unique member of the Order of Taraka was Norman Pfister. He appeared to be a salesman, but in reality, he was a man made of bugs. You could only kill him in his bug form. Now, Norman is seperated into worms. Its up to you to stop in. We've supplied you with toxic paint. Place the paint on one of the worms (checks) to destroy it. I must warn you that Norman keeps reproducing these worms. Hopefully, you'll be able to kill him.

There are 5 levels.
Baby Norman- Easy
Child Norman- Normal
Teenage Norman- Hard
Adult Norman- Very Hard
Full Powered Norman- Extremely Difficult!

Good luck and enjoy!

Baby Norman Child Norman
Teenage Norman Adult Norman
Full Powered Norman