Buffy Spoilers.... Updated on the 20th of October 2000.

Buffy spoilers:
These are spoilers for No Place Like Home. This could wrong, so you'll have to wait untill you see the episode etc...
* Flashback: Three monks lock themselves in a room and start a ritual, something is banging and trying to get in. The door explodes and all goes black.
*In the present day, Buffy slays a vamp at a factory and finds a glowing orb that turns out to be The Dagon's Sphere, a protective device that wards off ancient evil
* Doctors are not sure why Joyce has been feeling ill and she has to go back to the hospital
* Giles has a grand opening for the Magic Box and finds that business is booming and needs help so he hires Anya as his assistant
* At the hospital Buffy meets "Ben" who is tending to a patient. The patient is a nice watchman Buffy had met at the factory. The patience grabs Buffy and tells her that "they" are coming for her... and that "they" come through the family.
* A monk is at the factory when a door blows open and in comes Glory, a sexy young woman wearing a business dress and high heeled shoes. Glory says she has been looking for the monk for a long time.
* Buffy thinks that her mother being ill has something to do with what the watchman told her
* Glory gruesomely tortures the monk wanting him to tell her where the "key" is
* Buffy does a spell to see spells and Dawns image in photos fades in and out and then she finds Dawn in reality and she does the same thing. Buffy realises that Dawn is not her sister and she freaks out on Dawn and demands to know who she is and Dawn is genuinely confused
* Buffy decides to go back to the factory and when she leaves her house she sees Spike lurking in the shadows. He claims he was out for a walk and takes off.
* Buffy finds the monk and Glory and an incredible fight ensues. Buffy can't defeat her so she bails only to have the factory collapse on Glory.
* As the monk dies, he gives Buffy more information about the key. He explains that, for centures, it had no form. But then "the abomination" found the monks, forcing them to give the key form... to mold it into flesh. They then sent it to the Slayer for safe keeping. Buffy realizes that Dawn is the key. The monk admits that his people implanted false memories about Dawn in Buffy's head. Though Buffy insists those memories be removed, the monk maintains that Dawn is an innocent in the process and quite helpless.