
Feb. 26, 1999

Sunnydale has been extremely hot for the past month. Its February and Sunnydale is reachin temperatures of 90 degrees. Giles thinks this has something to do with a demon or some sort of demonic force. He is searching through his dusty books as someone knocks on his door. He slowly gets up and rubs his glasses. When he reaches the door, he hears a tap on the window. He figures its just the wind at his window. He stops for a moment, but continues to open the door. He opens the door and...

Part 2 submitted by: Technopagan

. . . Spike collapses on the mat in front of him.

"Close the bloody door," he groaned. His foot caught fire. "And put out me foot while you're at it."

Giles slammed the door and threw a vase of water over his foot. Spike lay quite still for a while.

"Errr, are you alright?" ventured Giles at last.

"I can't escape from it," murmured Spike. "The sun." He was getting incredibly weak and a bead of sweat slid down his face.

"Spike, you're not in direct sunlight."

"Listen, can I just get underground? I'll explain then." Spike crawled slowly onto his knees. With a grunt he stood up. "There's sewer access behind your house."

"Uh, alright." Giles was not sure if the vampire was feeling altogether sane today.

"Come on then." Spike stood up. He pulled his jacket over his head. "Go out and pull up the grate. Then I'll run out and jump down."

Giles opened his back door, tucking a pencil behind his ear in case the blond vampire was pulling some dumb trick and pulled up the grate. "Come on then," he ordered Spike.

Spike took a deep breath, rushed outside and jumped feet first into the sewer. Giles got down on his hunkers and peered down at him.

"Well, are you going to tell me what's going on?" queried Giles.

"I don't know, that's why I came to you. You know, you're musty book man. You know this heat-wave we've been having? I was in the crypt yesterday, just relaxing on my tomb, when I started to feel all weak and sick. The feeling you get when you're in indirect sunlight for a long time. The sunlight was coming through the walls, is what I think. And this being the hellmouth and all, I think we can rule out anything meteorological."

"Yes, I thought myself it was demonic activity. But why would a demon want to kill vampires? I'll have to consult my books."

"Yeah, you do that, musty book man." Spike turned on his heel and went wading down the tunnel.