The It Girl: Will it be made?

Release Date: Unknown; filming had been scheduled to start in the summer of 2000 for a release in 2001, but there's now no production date.

Distributor: Warner Brothers

Production Company: Village Roadshow Pictures

Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar; other cast not yet announced.

Director: Andrew Fleming (Dick, Threesome, The Craft)

Screenwriters: Nina Colman (Meet Prince Charming) (first draft), Andrew Fleming (Threesome, The Craft; cowriter of Dick) (rewrites)

Premise: A beautiful girl (Gellar) appears out of nowhere, and seemingly overnight becomes the heart of upper-class society in New York City, and woos the the most eligible bachelor... but there's something a bit darker going on behind the scenes.

Filming: This movie had been scheduled to start filming in June, 2000, but there's now no word on when that will happen. Sarah Michelle Gellar will be filming Harvard Man during this period instead.

Genres: Romance, Teen, Thriller

Official Site:

Status: In Development

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