What's New?


This is the "Whats New?" section. Everytime we update the website, we'll add it to this section. Also, at the bottom of the page, there is a list of sections and updates that are coming soon. Come back often to see whats been added!

New Updates:

10:1: A New Image for the entrence page. "A New image for a new season". you like taht line, don't ya? : )

9:23: The Who Would Win? poll has been updated with a whole new survey! Past results for the Dru vs. Darla fight are up! Enjoy!

9:21: Season 2 Angel Spoilers are up and filled with information!

9:9: New Buffy Spoilers for Season 5!!

9:5: A banner was made to signify that you are apart of the club. It can be found in The Club section!

9:4: Graduation Day Part 1 review added!

8:31: Nightmares, Go Fish, and Choices reviews are now up!

8:31: Our new Links database is up and running! Add your site to increase traffic. Thanx!

8:31: 3 new affiliates were added to our index page. Support us and vistit them!

8:31: Now you can apply for 2 award in the Win Our Award section!

8:30: New Banners and Buttons are up. Please put a link to our site. Thanx.

8:30: Never Kill a Boy on Your Fisrt Date and The Puppet Show added. Thanks Keekah!

8:29: Enemies review added.

8:27: When Norman Pfister Attacks... is a great new game that everyone should check out!

8:27: Check out the new Love Test, Torture Chamber and Rock, Paper, Scissors Games. Find out what characters are compatible in the love test, torture your favorite watcher in Angel's torture chamber and attempt to defeat the defending champion, Willow, in Rock Papers, Scissors.

Coming Soon!

- Villain guide with descriptions, pics and info of over 60 villians!

- More episode reviews

- A quiz that tells you what character you're most like.

- An update on the poll section!