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        Come to a place where you can come to rest your spirit and your soul from the hustle of cities and mainlands, but underneath all that peace, even the nightlife of the clubs, another part of the Isles comes to life when the sun sets. This is when those who come to visit the isles stay away from the east side where the locals live come sunset due to a trick of magick. Letting a life full of mystery, hints of danger, excitement, pleasure, and a touch of the unknown come out into the mystery of the night. Another life that is filled with creatures of fantasy who carry out their own lives. Though, they will welcome you into their arms with a smile..

        Still, there is that touch of the unknown...

        Come and visit the Crescent Isles for yourself and find out what is happening....


        Want to know more about the Crescent Isles and those who inhabit it?

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        Where writers and lurkers come together for a little fun and able to let loose.

        This page maintained by: Lord Maximus

        Question: "How many hits can you get per day using the free traffic building system?"

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