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True Love VS. Destiny

Disclaimer: This poem is based on Tess...its not the
best thing Ive ever written..but I mean..its something. So enjoy.


"True Love Vs. Destiny"

There she was alone, and out of place
Love doesn't come without a home
Tears dont run down her face
Her life not much more than a tragic poem

No childhood to speak of
Her heart was steel from birth
She accepted her destiny to the fullest
Never knowing her true worth

He taught her how to hurt all
And how to build an inner brick wall
She was taught to accept fate
And to never, ever fall

The plan was simple and precise
Make him love her like before
She didn't expect him to want another
He was hers in prophecy and more

They never did appreciate her
The wall began to tumble
A girls heart caught in the aftermath
Every ideal of hers started to crumble

She had heard many things in her day
"Accept what you have to do"- "Dont do anything wrong"
Failing  her mission, she lost him
Losing the love she had wanted for so long

It's not fair being alone
Her pain will never abate
She can't persuade him from his alternate choice
His true love crossed the path of their destiny, their fate
