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Adopt a Time Lord!

Admit it, you've always wanted a Time Lord of your very own. You haven't?! Then why are you here? Anyway, to adopt your Time Lord, save the picture you want and upload it to your site, and plug the picture adress into this lovely html. (You have to save it to your site, Angelfire doesn't let you steal bandwith) Then, voila! If you have any questions about Adopting here, Go to my Adoption FAQ.

We only have the Fourth Doctor, Fifth Doctor, K-9, a Mara, a Cyberman, a Cybermat, and a Dalek now, but more will follow. If you need the color of the image background changed (Ie; from Black to white or another color or etc.)Or if you need the image to face a different way, Please Email me Here.

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Dalek! </a>

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Time Lord! </a>

Made by Rassilon007 From The Omniscate

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Cyberman! </a>

Made by Rassilon007 From The Omniscate

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Cybermat! </a>

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a K-9 Unit! </a>

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Mara! </a>

Made by Rassilon007 From The Omniscate

<a href="">
<img src="Your Picture Address" border=0><br>I adopted a Jagaroth! </a>

When you are done, it should look like this:

I adopted a Time Lord!

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