Give yourself to the Dark Side...
Site founded on December 27, 1999
The gang is getting back together!
Come see us at
send me an email at for an invite!
The Yahoo Star Wars Chatter's Website
was created by Mark David Hills, known to many of us as Bindo. It was a labor of love for him and he valued the work he did on the site
greatly. |
Mark's Story | |
Holonet Links | |
Page Guide |
*Updated October 2002* |
The Memorial Page | Enter Chat |
The Chatters Map |
*Updated 01-02-01* |
My First Christmas in Heaven | News |
If you would like to have your picture included on this site, submit your picture in one of the following formats: gif, jpg, jpeg by clicking the button below. Please include your *actual* Yahoo! chat alias (not nicknames). You can also include your real name if you want it posted with your picture. |
A counter would have gone here and would probably be a
REALLY high number by now, but I didn't add it.
I guess I don't have counter envy. ;)
Information You do not have to be a *REG* to post a picture on this site. It is for anyone that chats in the Star Wars Room. If pictures do not load after the page finishes loading, just hit the "refresh" or "reload" button on your browser. All pictures are accounted for on the site and will work, if Angelfire is up and running. |
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