aliens how do we know that we are the only people in this entire universe. i just cant belive it . just like i cant belive that humans bulit the pymrids or stone henge. IT was just way to far evanced for them at that time periods .i say they god help from some form of life not from this earth .but you know i could be that they are still here .scientist saythat life came from the oceans .but doesnt any one else wonder why something else hasnt come from the ocean .mabye it has and that are the ufos that we see .They are from under water species of some form of life i dont know for sure but it is very well poslble. you never know .I DONT THINK are own goverment tells us everything that know. mabye the are fighting the .mabye they are fighting some other life form from another world.i mean how do they explane all the siteing that happen all over the world. they cant all be weathear ballons now can they? I DONT THINK SO. the war thing might be true look at all the siteing around milltery bases that have atomic bombs. IT seems to me that they are tring to learn are strong ponts and weak points so they well be able to defete us easily .most people dont belive in extrastal life but i do . I BELIEVE THAT WE ARE ALL FROM MARS . that mars was once like earth and was therented by the same people as we are now .And the people came seaking refuge from there which creating the earthlings which we are you and me .but we may really be martians all along.i think this race the human race is getting ready to move agian .not because of war but because overcrouding of this plant called earth mabye i am right about all of this mabye i am wrong but at least it is fun to think and wonder .at least i think so dont you ? you know people act weird about reglion.well what if there is no god yes i am a christian and yes i know what i am saying but i just wonder sometimes what if there is no god we were just brought here by someone else <
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