by ALM_Voyager

Chakotay looked over the specifications for the holoprogram Tom had altered. "Looks good," he murmured still scrolling through the holocharacters.

"Sure you don't want to add--" Tom started to ask.

Chakotay looked up, "No, I don't. Besides," he added with a quick smile, "I'll have more than my own eyeful with this one."

"I gotcha -- nothing like the real thing. Anyhow, Dawson, Harry and McHale added their holodeck hours to ours so we've got a reserve spanning four hours," Tom grinned. "Plenty of time to enjoy the scenery."

"Just make sure Kathryn and the rest don't find out," Chakotay winced.

"That would destroy any chances of you getting to score with her, huh Chakotay?" Tom snorted. "Don't worry," he added when he noticed Chakotay rubbing massaging the back of his own neck in anxiety, "two hours before the holodeck is ours -- how much trouble could they cause from now until then?" Tom smiled.

"You really want me to answer that? I gotta head back and change -- see you there at 2000 hours."

Kathryn never knew what hit her. She had ended her shift with Odbick and then headed off to locate her fellow friends. One moment the doors to B'Elanna's quarters were opening to allow her entrance and the next moment she was halted in her tracks as a Starfleet issued jockstrap hit her in the middle of her face. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to convince herself that she hadn't seen what she thought she had seen . . .

Seven and Kadi were paused in the middle of a cat-fight on the floor, B'Elanna and Caffey were looking on in horror and Raven sat on the sofa beaming with a smile and dutifully coloring in a sketch of the Captain herself.

Kathryn had searched out some of the members of the Girls Club for some down time . . . especially since she was still recuperating from her 'first contact' with . . . Dicky . . . *and* especially since *that* first contact included him slapping her on the ass and then, before leaving Voyager, pulling her into a dipped embrace where he had tried to lay one on her! She had never been so happy to see a security team in her life. So much for down time.

"Uh oh," Caffey stated.

Kathryn paused and then bent over to pick up the jockstrap. "Mind telling me who this belongs to?" She was smirking with pleasure as the room let loose a relieved breath.

"ME!" Kadi and Seven yelled at once.

Kathryn rolled her eyes at the two women. "Tell me this is about payback -- because, right now, I sure feel like causing some trouble," Kathryn said, holding up the jockstrap in front of her. "This is definitely not Chakotay's," she stated.

Raven gawked.

"How do you know?" Caffey asked.

"The cup looks too small," she smirked.

They moved along the corridors of Voyager as if they were under Red Alert and a Vidiian invasion. Kathryn motioned towards turbolift two with a frantic hand and watched, satisfied, as Kadi, B'Elanna and Raven moved into the lift doors and disappeared, jockstraps in hand.

"Will you be able to infiltrate Dawson's quarters successfully?" Kathryn whispered as they ducked, out of sight, as an Ensign passed by.

"Have no worries Captain. My mission will be memorable to say the least," she twirled the jockstrap around her pointer finger and grinned before turning and moving in the opposite direction of where Kathryn stood.

Kathryn watched her go for a moment before turning and heading towards the door that was located next to her own quarters. Pushing in her override code (since she had nothing to hide) she watched as the doors slid open to reveal her Commander's living space. It felt so strange being in his quarters without him present. She headed to her destination . . . the bedroom.

Peeking around the corner, she took a good look around . . . an unmade bed (which violated more than one Starfleet Regulation), a bedside table with a solitary piece of Native American art on it and a book, whose title she couldn't read from a distance, and a dresser whose top was cluttered with items including Chakotay's prized boxing gloves -- the pair Kathryn had given him for Christmas last year.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," she clucked her tongue at the mess. "If I were ever to marry him, I'd spend half my days picking up after him," she chuckled and then returned to her senses. She was about to pull the jockstrap out of her pocket and put it somewhere noticeable, but something on the dresser top caught her attention. Moving toward the shining object she realized it was a picture frame turned downwards.

Chakotay had just entered his quarters when he heard a crash resound from his bedroom. Punching in information at the key-PADD, by his door, he found out who had snuck in.

Moving with carefully placed steps he leaned to pick up the holocamera from his floor. He was thankful he had yet to return it to the Doctor who had lent it to Chakotay for an away mission last week. He moved with determination, towards his bedroom, to catch Kathryn in the act. 'You're mine now!' he thought gleefully to himself.


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