Battle Droid Commander (Dark brown AAT redeco)
Mech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Light muddy brown, dark dull reddish brown, pale pinkish red, and some yellow, dark red, and black
Rating: 7.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original SWTF Battle Droid. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original SWTF Battle Droid here.)

    Apparently not satisfied with two different versions of the Battle Droid/AAT mold, a third one has been released, and like the second one, it's also brown-- but this time around, it's a much darker, less tannish shade of brown. The two main colors in both modes tend to be a rather nice mix of dull reddish brown and a more straightforward muddy brown. This sounds more boring than it is-- as one can see above, there's a very intricate pattern of the dull reddish brown on the (mostly) light brown plastic. It makes for a very interesting deco job, particularly in vehicle mode where the stripes and symbols help ensure there's no place even remotely large on this figure that's all one color. That's not to say that brown is it on this toy, though-- there's also some nice yellow and black highlights-- particularly prevalent in mech mode-- that help add a bit more color to this version of the Battle Droid Commander. The only color choice I'm not enamored with is the oddly pinkish shade of pale light red used for most of the Battle Droid's "robot parts", i.e. his legs and arms in mech mode. It complements the other main colors okay, I suppose, but it looks like the droid went out to the beath and sunburned itself-- it's not the appropriate color for a droid, and that's even ignoring why it's pink in this line, of all lines-- a line known for sticking to a couple of basic colors for nearly all of its releases.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of the Battle Droid Commander.
    The dark brown Battle Droid Commander redeco is tied with the initial release for my favorite version of the mold-- although I think the original's color scheme of blue and green pops more on a shelf full of toys from the line, this version is less dull than the second tan release while still keeping the main colors brown, as a Battle Droid should be. Not too sure about the salmon pink in mech mode, but if you want a version of the mold that isn't boring AND fits in well with most other SWTFs on a shelf, this is the version to get.

Battle Droid Commander (Dark brown AAT redeco) Bio:
The battle droid commander mech can take on a clone battalion on its own, and is just as destructive when it morphs into a fearsome Armored Assault Tank (AAT).

Review by Beastbot

(Pictures from Hasbro.)

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