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LANI - What Does it Mean?
Root: Lani
Origin: Polynesian
Meaning: "Heaven"

Majestic: One who inspires intimacy
Personality: Has a winning attitude
Genuine: Faithful to his high values
Style: Can ride the crest of a wave
Ability: An intellect as sharp as a tack
Character: Highly talented and absolutely committed
Sentiment: Profoundly affected by beauty
Physical: Can react swiftly if necessary

Welcome to the bazaar! Or is that - BIZARRE? This place has evolved in strange and mysterious ways, and is gradually morphing into an eclectic mixture of FarScape items, particularly those relating to the ever-bad, ever-yummy Captain Crais. Feel free to shop around and see what toys and goodies there are for the Captain Crais and FarScape fan.

Maintenance Bay Rockettes: Dennis the Dancing DRD (he's the one in the middle) and his intrepid troupe are here on exlusive engagement from The Ultimate Farscape BBoard, in care of their handler, fsnospoon. Give Dennis and his group a big hand, won't you? The rockettes are, from left to right: Don, Dena, Debbie, Drake, Dobbin, Doug, Donna, Dennis, Dilbert, Devin, Deanna, Deedee, Diane, Dora and Milt. Milt is our exchange DRD dancer, an underprivileged DRD here on a grant from the Vorcarian Council On the Arts. Way to go Milt!

UPDATES:6/15/02 - Hey, lookit me - I'm back! And with lots and lots of Creepcon and Cohort photos to share.
2/22/02 What a date! Anyhoo - here is a linky to pull down the full FARCESCAPE Hussy Chronicles in Adobe Format. I'm having trouble with the conversion - the illustrations aren't coming out on my viewer, but I'll keep plugging away at it... Enjoy!
9/10/01 - NYC Convention Pics! Wow - this was *so* cool!
7/13/01 - Whew! It's been a while, no? Well, RL does intrude... But, the latest update includes the meaning of Lani's first name - and boy does it fit!
1/19/01 - Part Four of Taking On is now up. And I've dropped in a couple more of PKLil's wonderful Crais Chronicles banners here and there.
1/12/01 - A little late updating this. We have some new banners - one to just drive the shippers WILD! (evil grin). And Part Three of Taking On is now up for your reading enjoyment.
1/5/01 - Now, Proud Members of the Crais Conspirators Ring. Please check the Ring page for other great sites devoted to our Captain-my-Captain!
12/31/00 - BRAND NEW! Crais fic! I'm debuting Part One of my own new fic here. Just check for the link below. More links will be activated as I finish parts of the story. Anyone with a Crais fic (non-NC17 please), they'd like to see out on the web, just pop my e-mail link and send it on. I'd love to put it up for you. And for truly great Crais Fic, check the Crais Chronicles link below. Crais never looked so good!
12/10/00 - This is for the Cohorts - my Flash test page of - Yep! Lani!
11/17/00 - For those of you THUDding over Chrichton or Crais - a new gif, just for you!
10/29/00 Some new gifs to play with. We're now a proud member of the Farscape1 SiteRing. AND - don't forget to go visit for lots of Crais-y stuff, and a peek at the Lani Tupu Birthday Card!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Farscape GIFs and Animated GIFs

Disclaimer: this site is for fan fun only. No infringement of copyright is intended. Farscape is copyright © 2000 The Jim Henson Company , Hallmark, and the Scifi Channel. All other images, links, etc. are used with permission, and if I forget a credit- e-mail me and i'll fix it.

Farscape 1 SiteRing The Commerce Planet Art Gallery

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