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The Dragon and The Rose
Part 1: The Turning Point

ISBN: 0-595-15613-4

Choices, decisions.We all face them. Those defining moments in our life when the decisions we make will alter our life forever.
Now is Richard D’Cygnet’s time to face that Turning Point. The choices he makes, however, will reverberate through four kingdoms.
He has been sent on what seems a simple assignment. Deliver invitations to the neighboring kingdoms of Westfeld to the coronations of his stepfather, Aldric and his mother, Joanna, as King and Queen of Albon. Recently conquered by Aldric, Albon adds a second crown to his title as King of Calmora.
Richard discovers that all is not quite what it seems in Westfeld. Awakened by his presence, the Magic of the land presents a problem for him. It is a Magic he doesn’t quite believe in, and it has a proposition for him, a chance for him to attain what has been denied him by his stepfather; but it is not the only offer Richard receives while in Westfeld.
He realizes these offers place him uncomfortably at the center of attention and intrigue. Other plans are being made for his life. His stepfather has distinct plans for not just Richard but for all the unmarried youth in his kingdom, and a maniacal foe plots Richard’s death.
Richard must come to terms with the Magic and its power, make all the right choices, and still manage to stay alive.

Available at:
Barnes & Nobel
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