Emony's FanFic Emporium

Welcome, friends, to the my little self-publishing space on the web. This page will serve as a personal archive as well as another method of circulating my work and (please?) obtaining feedback.

Thank you, and enjoy!

Here it is - my fiction!

"I'll Be Up All Night" (J/J) [NC-17]

This story is just a bit of fluff I conjured up after seeing the 1st season ep "Dax." Not for the plot-minded reader. ;-)

"The Fact or the Phantom" (B/J, Ez) [NC-17]

A post-WYLB story spawned from my own personal dissatisfaction with the Bashir/Ezri relationship. Still contains evidence of my Jadzia fetish, however.

"All That's Left Standing" (B/Ez) [R]

The conclusion of "The Fact or the Phantom."

"If Only Time Stood Still" (O/K) [PG]

A bit of introspective prose. Don't read this if you don't want to face the reality that someday, each of our favourite characters must die.

"Dax WHO?!" (misc, humour) [PG-13]

What would have happened if someone on the station had become the next Dax host instead of Ezri? Find out!

I implore any of you who are Fan Fic writers or just DS9 fans, visit The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon
as soon as possible. This site contains every piece of information from the series you could possibly wish to know, and I never start a story until I've read up on my subject matter here first.

My thanks to Tracy for giving permission to link to this page.

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Contact me for feedback or any other reason at: ro_laren@my-deja.com