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The Initiates

Initiates are those in their first three years of training. The have been tested for Goddess Magic, and have the calling. Usually they are young, but training can begin at any age. They learn basic things, dealing both with the use of magic and history, law, and many other things that might be needed. Their classes are taught by Full Chosen,or Dedicated. They are kept in line by the Mistress of Initiates, Margaelis Vinyard(Jessica).


Caryatid: An elven lady. (Victoria)

Malka: A young Mariandor shopgirl. (Shelly)

Thura: A young Ander woman. (Sara)

Arth: A half elf from Lobelia. (Jenny)

Thetys: An Ander with a strong gift. Tanith: A young Ander with great potential.