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Magic in Ridaya

There are two types of magic. Goddess magic, which can be harnessed by only those who serve the light. Humans, elves, brethkin, Anders and mers all can have the calling. They are trained at the Odilyce, which lies at the center of the continent, outside the bounds of any kingdom. The more common is Low magic, which can be learned by anyone. These magicians train at the Acadamy of Low Magic in Mehre. Schools of Magic

The Academy of Low Magic: Located in Merhe, any may study here. The classes are many and diverse. Here one may learn simple tricks, such as illusion, glamour, invisibilty and other small magics. The teachers at the Academy are generally old magicians who find the life of wanderign and entertaining tiresome to their old bones. The general age of starting is twelve to fifteen. A student stays at the academy unilt he or she wishes to leave.

The Odilyce: Outside the boundries of the Five Kingdoms, The Odilyce is a towering structure, housing a complete city within it's walls. Here are those Chosen to the calling of the Goddess magic, along with various scholars, preists and those seeking refuge. Training to become a Chosen is difficult, and the training intense. There are three stages, the first three years as Initiate, three more years as a Disciple and an optional final year as a Devoted to become a full Chosen. The Highest ranking being the Athenate who is the singular Chosen who oversees the matters of the Odilyce. All are welcome at the Odilyce.

Witches- Witches are those with the calling of Goddess magic who never trained. They need the aide of incantations, hand gestures, crystals and other props to preform their spells. Witches may be either good or evil.

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