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Rumors and News

This is the news and gossip page. Any major, upcoming plot lines will be here so you can get ready for them. Also, if there's anything you'd like to announce, feel free to send it to me at and it will be posted. You have a lonely character waiting for a particular type of other character to post with? Put it up here!

Important Technical News and Gossip

  • The Odilyce is complete and running! Contact Beth
  • We have a new Sultana! Welcome to Jenny with Sultana Ishardea ben.
  • Important Game News and Gossip

  • The Day of Peace has begun! This festival, celebrating the founding of the five kingdoms and the Odilyce, is celebrated all over the continent. Both the Dragon Fortress and the Odilyce are throwing grand festivities!
  • Cedric has broken off his engagement with Seara. It is rumored Emperess Desiree has an eye on the young king, but with the arival of a beautiful young Sultana....
  • Lord Darven has chosen his wife! Lady Cordelia Juda has won his hand! Conrats Jenni! The wedding has just started...and the reception has been interupted by the death of the Sultan, and then the arival of the new Sultana.!
  • Brave warrior seeks traveling companion! The wandering swordsman Lister Craw is looking for someone to share the road with. Contact Chris if interested.
  • 16 year old slave at Sultana's Palace seeks someone to talk to. E-mail Jessi(ca) if interested.