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Ferro Commerz Group

Ferro Commerz Group

Companies of Ferro Commerz Group in Malaysia


Ferro Commerz Sdn Bhd

Ferro Commerz Network

A.F.W. Development & Trading

Subahana Trading Co.

Mayaka Enterprise


Please click on the ICON below and enter the each company's information side

Ferro Commerz Sdn Bhd

Ferro Commerz Network

(will be coming soon)

AFW Development & Trading

(will be coming soon)

Subahana Trading Co.

Mayaka Enterprise

(will be coming soon)

 Please by more information contact

Mr. Firdaus Schuppenhauer

Mobile Phone: 012 - 9887710

Contact us


**** NEW **** NEW **** NEW **** NEW ****

We just open a new side which provide you the possibility to submit your Web-Page and Email in a Dictionary which will be very soon promote to the European Market, please enter our new page and see who already sign up with us;

Please click here:


Special Export Product's from our firm group

2D Technical Drawing


Translated into Malay

Please click on the Picture

Empty CD-R & CD-RW

Export Quality

Malaysian Page Germany Page

Tongkat Ali Ginseng Coffee

Bring back the mans strength


 Please visit also from our company Ferro Commerz Sdn Bhd

the Product page with actual price Quotation

Please click on the picture