H R Giger: Li 1 signed /numbered

Ok, here we have a good example of a bad reproduction of the Li print; quite typical for many bad web sites. like mine :) ...

Photolithographie from 1974.

Here I allowed myself to copy the text from Gigers offical page;
I have to add a few remarks:

--------- beginn text:

One of H.R. Giger's most well known images, Li I, was created with the airbrush, acrylic on paper, like most of Giger's original paintings. However, it is a little-known fact that the original painting was destroyed by Li, shortly after it was finished. She tore it in four pieces, saying to Giger, "You made me ugly!" Giger's masterpiece survives, intact, only in the 170 photogravures which were published in 1978, actually, it was published in 1974; see the original add:

Here the original Artwork: you can clearly see how it was torn:

The cut starts below the mouth, going towards the right side trough the whole painting:

and the Li I edition is the only one Giger ever produced using the photogravure technique.
To my knowledge, although it doesn't affect in any way the value of this print; Necronom IIIa and Biomech landscape 298 were made in the same way
All 170 of the prints in the edition can be considered "originals" because Giger reworked every one of them with his airbrush, to strengthen the all the white highlights. He did not only strengthen the with highlights, but some of the light blue too.
To this date, the original painting has never been restored. actually, it hasn't been professionally restored until now; the original painting is exposed right now in Paris, and you can see clearly the damages.
This true story is hinted at in the book, H.R. GIGER'S NECRONOMICON.Compare the description of Li I on page #30 with any of the other descriptions of Giger's airbrush paintings in the book. All the other original paintings are described as being acrylic on paper on wood, but the Li I original is the only one described as a photogravure. The edition has been sold out since 1983.

------------------------------------------ end of the text

High Qualitiy production, on heavy paper, handsigned und numbered by the Master himself.
edition of 170 + XX. Number 97 of 170.
only 170 !! most lim/ sign Lithos are in a much higher edition !!

get it now or never !!
Probably the most impressive and well known Hr Giger print. You need to see it in its full size to really appreciate it.
Pic in necronomicon I, page xx,
size 100 x 70 cm
Printed on heavy paper; mint condition.
This Litho was issued before Giger got famous with his aliens movies; so it was mostly bought by fervent collectors which alredy estimated his genius and which are very unwilling in selling anything. very difficult to found today.
Litho will be shipped professionally packed in very strong cardbord tube.

Here, we have an already better pic, but do to the flash and the non-glossy paper, it looks too "fade"


Here, I had to do it from the side, to avoid part of the flash-light effect:
See yourself:
Aditionally, you can see very well which are the highlighted parts: the later added, white spots reflected the flash-light in different way then the color on the print.
Most skulls, plus the eyes are the easiest to detect added airbrushing.
All additional work was done by Giger himself, back in 1974.

Here, a close up:
The crease whoch you can see reaching from the 2. to the 3. skull is not on the print, but is an exact reproduction of the dammage of the original work; it looks like a crease on the paper, but I can assure you, it is on all prints;
Same for the crease under the right horn;
people do usually not note this details, but as I own myself more than one copy of Li, I know what I'm talking about.

the print for sale has some very light handling traces, which can be discovered by a very close look; the look a little bit like the one described above; but thy were to slight to be able to captured by the camera.

The first 2 skulls were highlighted with blue and white color; the following 2 skulls only with with color.
Even the thin white highlight above the snakes had has probably been added by Giger, by hand;
but as the airbrush was used so virtuosly by Giger, it is sometimes difficult to tell what was added and what is printed

Shipping via airmail and fully insured; shipping to the US by UPS next day costs 150$.
The print is too valuable to risk any dammage du to cheap shipping.

Europe and Germany is cheaper.
(COA) certificate of authenticity will be provided as usual

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