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Kämpfer Combine

The Kämpfer Combine is a large empire comprised of many systems.  The
home-system of Cardavia is the center of the KC, and is it is now known that
it is located approximately 245 light years from the Terran system, home of Earth and
the Unitron Alliance. Also within its borders is the Alyvian wormhole, which was just recently
discovered to lead to another part of the same universe to which the Terran wormhole leads. With
all its traditional enemies destroyed, the KC now prepares to explore the vast new universe that lay on the
other side of the Alyvian wormhole, and attempts to forge an alliance with the Unitron Alliance, and its allies.

Total of visitors since September 13, 2001

11/10/01 - Added the Patif Medium Stike bomber to the fighters page.  Thanks to ITA's Wes Prewer for the original design of the Patif.  Also updated KCIDRN.  From now on, I probably won't show news posts as site updates.  Just check KCIDRN often.
11/07/01 - Made a couple date changes to the KCIDRN page.  Several dates don't match up with their posted dates now, but that's only for old stories that took place before the site was launched.  All storie dates will now correspond with the posted date, only they will be many years in the future.  Story is also starting to heat up.  Expect alot of updates soon.
10/13/01 - Check KCIDRN because the KC is now officially part of the UA/GA/ITA story.  Also, I re-did the Shavet model because I didn't like the way it looked..
10/04/01 - Dekosi Heavy Battle mech is now up.  A larger mech than the others, except the Ravinot.
10/03/01 - Vormar Light Scout mech is now up.  This mech is fairly extensively, but is rarely seen by friends or foes.  UA/GA/ITA story is about to start up.  Stay tuned to BDNN and KCIDRN for updates.
9/28/01 - Shavet Strike fighter is now up.  This fighter proves big things come in small packages.  UA/GA/ITA story will begin soon. 
9/17/01 - KCIDRN page goes up.  Stories there now show what is happening in the KC.  Expect to see more new stories as the KC enters the UA/GA/ITA storyline. 
9/16/01 - KCDI pages go up.  Not all models there yet, but I'm working on it.  Other pages will also be up soon. 
9/13/01 - Page goes up.  It is not all original, but re-written from my other Lego Space page because I have VERY little time.  I'll try to make up for this with some VERY good models.  Nothing is up yet, but will be soon.

Kämpfer Combine Data Logs - Information on the history and government of the KC.
Kämpfer Combine Defense Initiative - Information on the units of the KCDI Space, Air, and Ground forces.
Kämpfer Combine Science Logs - Information on the technology used by the KC to make war and travel amongst the stars.
Kämpfer Combine Diplomatic Corps. - Information on the allies and enemies of the KC.
Kämpfer Combine Instant Date Relay Network - Current events and news concerning the Kämpfer Combine.

Starport - Links to other space-lego sites.

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