C/1999 S4 Linear, a magnetoplasma fueled space probe, visited Earth in a fly-by on July 23, 2000. Now it heads for Galaxy M104, in the constellation Virgo, to join with --- the KRAKEN,---- in a joint operation to neutralize the Andromedan-Vegan-Cassiopean "Triumvirate" Conspiracy ...
The legend of the peacock, the shepherd, and the limestone cave ... from ancient YEZIDI [aka "Jedi"] syncretic religion at time of split of Sunni and Shiite Islam [circa 680 AD], and from pre-Christian Aleppo, which was never fully defeated by the Kingdom of Aram ... ponder the cave above!!
The Comet that has "scarcely" a tail! Why??? Comet Linear-S4 is 20 to 100 times dimmer than Hyakutake and its tail is more like an elongated smudge, than a sky-rending blaze of light.
The Sombrero Galaxy, M104, in the constellation of Virgo, a friend and ally of Linear S4!
Another shot of the "tail-less wonder"!
... and yet another photogenic sample!!! Has to be a small and highly active object, moving incredibly fast!
Linear S-4's morphology is peculiar, lacking an obvious head [that is brighter than the adjacent tail] although the leading edge of the head/tail combination is very sharply defined.