
Title: My Boyfriend’s Back

Author: R.Solo56

Category: Alternate Universe, Romance

Rating: somewhere between PG-14 and PG-17; I couldn’t decide. Judge for yourself, but be forewarned, there are intense scenes, sexual suggestions, and drug-like and domestic abuse referencing.

Date: 2/4/00

Han Solo walked out on Leia during The Courtship of Princess Leia, and she married the Prince guy. It’s ten years later, and he’s back. But, boy is he in for the surprise of his life!

“Be right there,” Leia called groggily, checking the time. It was 1:00 am. Who would come at this hour? Getting out of bed, she slipped on a robe and made her way to the front door. “Open,” she commanded and the door slid away, revealing a sorely missed man. She grabbed a nearby table, her knees growing weak. “You…” she said, her voice shaking.

Han watched her shamefully, afraid to help her, afraid to touch her. “Yeah, it’s me, sweetheart.”

Slowly, she shook her head, trying to deny it all. “But…I thought…I thought you were dead….”

He smiled sadly. “Apparently, you’re not the only one; I’ve been getting that a lot lately.”

“But…you…where have you been all this time?” She sat down on a chair beside her, before her legs could fail her completely. She motioned for him to come in and he found a chair as well.

“Around,” he said. “Doing what needed to be done to get food in me. What about you? Where’s the prince?”

Her eyes hardened. “That’s none of your business,” she answered coldly, doing what she could to hide the left side of her face.

“Well, excuse me, princess; I was just asking.” He stood up to leave. “I guess this wasn’t such a good idea.” Right before the door closed, he said, “Obviously, telling you I love you now won’t make a difference.”

Leia’s mind raced as she hurried after him. “What? Han…wait a minute!” He didn’t stop until they reached the Hanger Bay. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled when he turned around. “Please…don’t go yet.” After a moment, she whispered. “Don’t leave me again.”

Han’s eyes softened, but just as soon resumed their angry gaze when he got a good look at her face. He ran his finger over the side of her face, tracing a long jagged scar he’d found. He also noticed her eyes; one was silver while the other was a familiar brown. An implant? What the hell? “What happened to you?” he demanded, leading her inside the Falcon. “Did the prince do this?”

“Yes, a long time ago,” she said steadily, taking a seat in the galley beside him. “He…didn’t like the fact that I was…well…thinking of someone else. He figured I was...used merchandise.”

“Well where the hell is the bastard?” he asked, his voice rising. “I owe him a good beating.”

“He’s dead,” she answered meekly.

“Oh.” He struggled to calm down again. “Tell me what happened while I was gone, Leia…please?”

She sighed shakily. “It—it’s just…it’s been so long since I’ve had to talk about it….” She wished desperately that he would touch her, just hold her for a little while…like old times.

Han looked down at her expectantly, seeing her pain, wanting to ease it…but unsure how she would react. She was as beautiful as he remembered, save the scar. Her body was just how he’d left it. Staring into her eyes, however, he saw the deep pain, the stress and knowledge like that of someone much older. He held her hand. “Please try, sweetheart.”

“Okay.” In a small voice, she began. “The wedding went alright, then we were scheduled to go on a private honeymoon to…Corellia, I think. I tried to get out of it. He found out and first thought that I was only scared. You know…virginal nervousness. I told him I didn’t really love him. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I was so fed up with everything by then, I couldn’t help it, I…I just lost it. I told him I married him because it would help the New Republic and that if you hadn’t have left, I probably would have married you instead. He was truly hurt, and when I cooled down, I went to apologize, but…I never had the chance.

“He started abusing me, every day in every way he could. He would beat me, cuss at me and…rape me. He kept me drugged so I couldn’t fight him. Weeks, months went by, until, one day…after raping me he…he stabbed me.” She indicated the scar on her face. “My left eye’s fake,” she added absently before continuing the story. “Before he left, he said, ‘If I can’t have you, no one can.’ Then, he shot himself and the ship crashed. He was dead by the time we were found. It was a primitive world—I can’t remember the name—and they didn’t have bacta. I tried to call you, but…I couldn’t get an answer.” She looked up at him sadly and whispered. “I missed you so much, Han. I…I still love you.”

Her eyes brimmed with tears that soon flooded her cheeks, and that was all he could take. He wrapped his arms around her and held her fast against him. “Oh Gods, sweetheart…I should have stayed. I should have been there to protect you. I’m so sorry you had to go through that….”

“I-it’s not your fault,” she muttered around the fabric of his shirt. “I sh-should have…listened to you…. Maybe…if I had p-paid more attention to you…y-you would have…s-stayed.” She clung to him tighter then, desperately, not being able to bear the thought of being away from him again.

“Honey, you had so much to think about then…I was being selfish. I didn’t consider the New Republic or your feelings. You must have had a hell of a time trying to decide. I thought I’d make it easier and leave, but…I guess I didn’t.” He rocked her, stroked her hair as she continued to cry for a while. When she calmed down, he lifted her chin and, gazing into her eyes intensely he murmured, “I love you too, so very much. Let me spend the rest of my life with you, Leia. I don’t want to leave as much as you can’t bear to see me go.” He stroked his fingers through her hair. “I want to be with you again, sweetheart. I want to hold you again, kiss you again…make love to you the way I’ve always dreamed of…. I want to do it all right this time. I want to be a part of the New Republic again. I want to fight for the cause like I used to. But most of all…I want to be a part of your life again, Leia. I regretted leaving you the moment that door closed behind me. What do you say? Will you please take me back?”

Leia had started weeping again, this time, however, from joy and relief. “I would like nothing more,” she whispered with a beaming smile. “But…there’s something you should know….” Her face fell suddenly.

“What? What is it?” he inquired, concerned. She seemed so happy, what could possibly be wrong?

“I…well…it won’t be just you and me anymore….” She bit her lip, afraid of what he’d think. At least one of those times the prince had raped her had gotten her pregnant and now she had a six-year-old daughter to think of too.

Han looked confused, then attempted, “you…. A-a child?”

She nodded. “Apparently, Isolder got me pregnant during our honeymoon.” She frowned. “No matter who the father was…it wasn’t her fault…I just couldn’t bear to get an abortion. Besides, I…I had no one else.” She looked up at him worriedly. “So…do you still think you’ll stay?”

Han grinned. “Of course,” he said, hugging her. “I’m going to be a father! Maybe not biologically, but…it’s good enough for me.”

Leia’s eyes widened. Father…? That could only mean one thing. “You mean…?”

He nodded and got down on one knee. “Will you marry me, princess?”

She thought she would have burst into hysterical tears if she hadn’t been crying already. This was what she’d always dreamed of. They were going to get married! Enthusiastically, she threw her arms around him. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, I’ll marry you!” Then, she kissed him and their long-caged passion erupted in a spectacular fire within them.


Later that morning, Leia led Han back to her apartment. “You ready?” she asked him, unlocking the door.

He nodded. “Yeah.” He looked down at her. Her face was still flushed as a result of their recent lovemaking. She’d been scared, but trusting, and he took things slowly, proving to her how good sex could be if you really wanted it. And boy did she! She’d been nearly as desperate as he was; frantic to finally erase the memory that damned prince had formed in her mind. And frantic to finally become intimate with him. They’d been close, but they never had the chance to make love. But that was all in the past now. “Are you?”

She smiled faintly. “As I’ll ever be.” The door slid open and they stepped inside.

A little girl came running up to her. She had long dirty blond hair and ice blue eyes, yet her other facial features were just like her mother’s. “Mommy! Where were you? Why’s your face red?” She saw the man beside her, became wary, and whispered, “who’s that man, mommy?”

Leia smiled. “That’s an old friend of mine, honey. I was in love with him once…and I still am. He finally came back today.”

“Ohhh,” the girl breathed. She turned back to the man, curtsied for him and greeted, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Solo, Sir.”

Han turned to Leia in confusing. She looked at her daughter. “Who told you his name?”

The child smiled, a replica of her mother’s. “3PO. He said Mr. Solo was your boyfriend…but he doesn’t look as mean as he said. He also said Mr. Solo’s a…confusing…hotheaded…uh…be…bewildering…puzzling excuse for a human. He also said you used to call him a lazerbrain and a…nerf herder, mommy.”

Leia laughed a little in embarrassment. She patted the girl’s head. “Honey…why don’t you go make your bed, hmm? I’ll make your favorite for breakfast.”

The child leaped up and down. “Pancakes! Yay!” She curtsied again for Han. “If I may be excused, Sir.”

Han smiled. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you too.” He patted her head as well, and then she scurried off to her room. “What’s her name?”

Leia turned back to him. “Hanna. I…wanted to name her after you. She’s a bit of a gossip, though, as you’ve seen. She loves to tell secrets.”

“Hanna…” he grinned. “It’s a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She looks a lot like you, you know.”

Leia smiled and led him to the kitchen. “She does, doesn’t she? But…she also looks like her father.”

Han put an arm around her. “Hey…” he comforted. “No more talk about him, remember? He’s gone and he’ll never come back.”

She leaned gratefully into his strength. “Yes, I remember. She doesn’t know much about her father. Only that he was the Prince of Hapes and that he died on an important mission.”

Han hugged her. “That’s all she needs to know.”

Leia nodded in agreement. “She’s a princess too, technically. She likes the idea, but she knows she’ll never rule Hapes.” She escaped his embrace after a few moments so as to start their breakfast.

“How old is she?” Han inquired, helping her gather the ingredient.

“She’ll be seven in a few months,” Leia answered.

“She’s getting big,” he commented. “And I see she’s taking after her mother; she’s quite the young lady.”

She smiled. “I do what I can. It’s not easy, though.”

“I’m here now,” he murmured, kissing her as they crossed paths through the kitchen.

They continued to cook in silence, until the last batch of pancakes was finished and the table was set for three. “Does anyone else know you’re here?” Leia inquired, filling the last cup with coffee.

He nodded. “Yeah. They all know. I’ve asked to resign, but they ‘have to think about it.’”

She patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it; I’ll talk to them. I’m the Chief-Of- State after all.”

Han looked up at her. “You mean you’re running the show now?” He grinned and twirled her around. “I’m so happy for you, honey!” He kissed her longingly.

“Mommy and Mr. Solo sitting ina tree, k-I-s-s-I-n-g…” came a little voice from behind them. Hanna stood in the doorway, bright and happy.

Leia laughed and ushered her daughter closer. “Mommy…” Hanna said. “You’re smiling. You’re happy mommy!” Han looked confused and she clarified. “Mommy was never really happy. Oh, she’d have fun sometimes when we’d play, but really, she was lonely. I can feel it when mommy’s happy or not. Can’t you?”

“He doesn’t have the force, sweetheart,” Leia put in. “Only certain people have that power, like you and me.”

“And Uncle Luke,” Hanna added. Suddenly, she put a hand over her mouth, then went to her mommy and hugged her. “I’m sorry mommy. Did I make you sad again?”

Leia smiled weakly, then mouthed to a bewildered Han, “I’ll tell you later.” His answering gaze responded, “You’d better.” “No, no, honey. It’s all right. Everything’s going to be alright now.” She kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “Now, you must be hungry after all that cleaning. Why don’t we eat?”

Hanna giggled. “Yes, why don’t we!” She climbed into her chair, Leia and Han following after. She used her fork and nibbled happily, yet politely at her pre-cut breakfast and sipped her favorite pink colored juice. The older two, however, decided on coffee instead.

“Hanna, I hear your birthday’s coming up,” Han said.

The girl smiled. “Yeah, I’m gonna be seven! I’ll be an even bigger girl!”

Han chuckled. “Indeed you will. Even prettier too, I bet.”

Hanna blushed. “Thank you, sir. Are you going to live with us?”

Leia tapped her daughter’s hand. “Hanna, remember your manners.”

“I know, mommy,” she replied. “I was just asking. You two are so happy together and you said you loved him….” Her eyes brightened. “Are you gonna be my new daddy?”

Han coughed and Leia spoke for him. “Would you like that, honey? Do you want him to be your daddy?”

She nodded. “Oh yes. He’s very nice and from what 3PO says, he’s very funny. But, he didn’t seem to think so, I don’t know why. Droids are so weird sometimes, and nervous. I hope 3PO won’t mind Mr. Solo being back. Does he like to play battleship? Does he like the water like I do? Will he take us to the beach like you do, mommy? Mommy loves the beach, daddy. Do you?”

Han and Leia were laughing at this point. “Hanna, Hanna, calm down,” Leia said. “There will be plenty of time for that, after you go do your studies with 3PO.”

“Aw, mommy,” she whined. “Can’t he at least answer the questions I already asked before I go?”

“Okay, okay,” she conceded. “Go ahead, Han.”

Han chuckled once more before speaking. “Yes, I like the water. And, yes I’d be honored to take you and mommy to the beach sometime. I don’t know how to play battle ship, though; you’ll have to teach me. But, I’ll tell you what. When you’re old enough, I’ll teach you how to fly a real ship, how’s that?”

The girl jumped up out of her seat, hurried to him, jumped into his lap and hugged him. “You mean the Millenium Falcon? You brought it? Oh wow! You’re the best daddy ever!” She hugged him again before curtsying for her parents. “May I be excused?”

Leia smiled. “Of course. If you mind 3PO, maybe we can have a fun day tomorrow, just the three of us.”

“Whoopee!” The girl danced a little bit, unable to contain herself, before leaving the room to tell 3PO all that’s happened.

Han smiled. “That’s two down, one…whole council to go.”

“Don’t worry,” Leia comforted. “I’ll talk to them today.” She suddenly jumped up. “Oh, I’m going to be late! Can you watch her and make sure she doesn’t cause any problems with 3PO? She recently learned how to float things and I’d rather not come home to see pillows flying over my head.”

Han groaned. “You’re leaving me with 3PO?”

She smiled and kissed him, heading to her room to get changed. “Don’t worry, Hanna knows how to handle him. But, remember, I want him in one piece tonight.”

He grinned. “Aw, I wanted to disassemble him…” he whined mockingly.

“You do, and you’ll be sleeping tonight,” she said sweetly, taking off her night shift.

“You mean none of this?” Leia yelped as his hand connected with her rear. “Or this?” He pinched her side. He turned her around, his palms covering her breasts, his smile gone, replaced with something different, passionate. “Or this?” he inquired in a whisper, catching her lips with his in a long, sweet kiss.

“You keep that up…and I won’t make it to the council,” she murmured dreamily when the caress ended.

“What’s so bad about that?” he mumbled around her flesh, making his way down the sensitive column of her throat.

She moaned softly, her face flaming. “You want to join us again, remember? Come on…I—I have to go….”

Han finally straighten, grinning when he saw her face. “Okay, okay. I’ll go check on Hanna. Have a nice day and don’t be too hard on them.” He kissed her forehead and, smiling, he left the room.

“Ah…just as I remember him,” Leia breathed with a smile, heading to the ‘fresher to take a quick shower before dressing.


A couple months went by. Han was resigned as General, he and Leia were planning a wedding, and everything was perfect. She still hadn’t told him about the secret of Luke, however. But, he found out soon enough….

“No…stop, Luke…Luke…no, please!” Han woke to the sound of mumbling and weeping. He gazed down worriedly at the woman in his arms. She continued to mutter, less than half of what she said being decipherable, as she shivered and squirmed. Luke’s name was what truly had him on the alert. Gently, he shook her, trying to awaken her. “Leia, honey, wake up. It’s alright; I’m here, I got you.”

She woke with a cry, bolting upright in bed. “Gods, not again,” she whimpered and sought the comfort of Han’s arms.

He was quick to hold her against him. “It’s okay…it’s okay; I got you…. Shhhh….” Leia sighed and, after a few moments, calmed down enough to sit up straight and look at him. He watched her, concerned. “You were talking in your sleep. Is Luke in trouble?”

Leia seemed unable to decide. “He’s…he’s not with us anymore. He’s a…a….” She couldn’t get the words out. They were too terrifying, too horrid to even think about. Luke was now a dark Jedi. He turned to the dark side after Mara, the love of his life, was killed in a freak accident. Now, he was constantly assaulting her in her dreams, trying to make her succumb to the dark side. She felt his presence now, cold and familiar. He was trying again.

Hello, sister, Luke’s voice echoed in her mind. Changed your mind yet?

“No…” she whispered. “No, Luke, I haven’t.”

“Huh?” Han inquired. “Leia, are you okay?” He ran his fingers through her hair, worried. “What about Luke?”

Pity, Luke said. I didn’t want to do this, but it looks like you’re in for some pain. Get ready to experience my full power!

“No…No, please, Luke! Don’t—!” A sudden, stinging pain throughout her body cut her off. It graduated into full-blown agony and she writhed in Han’s arms, a scream escaping her throat.

“Mommy, mommy!” Han heard Hanna cry, bursting into their room. She climbed into the bed and looked up, horrified, at her new father. “Daddy, are you hurting mommy?” she demanded.

Han shook his head. “I don’t know what’s happening, sweetheart. She said something about Luke.”

If anything, Hanna was even more terrified than before. “Daddy…Uncle Luke’s bad.”

“Bad?” he asked. “What do you mean?”

“He’s a dark Jedi now. He got sad, then mad, and now he’s gone. He keeps bothering mommy at night. He wants her to be bad too. And sometimes…I can hear him in my sleep too.”

Han felt just a little ill. “Hanna…has he ever hurt her before?” She shook her head solemnly.

Han turned back to Leia, who was still writhing in his arms. He looked around. “Luke?” he tested. “Luke, are you there? Can you hear me?”

Well, well, well, Luke voice filled the room. If it isn’t Han Solo. Where’ve you been all this time?

“Luke! Why don’t you leave her alone, kid? She’s your sister!”

She must turn to the dark side. And Hanna too….

Suddenly, Hanna cried out and collapsed beside him, joining her mother’s actions. Han’s eyes grew hard. “Luke! Now you’ve gone too far! Let them go, or I’ll kill you myself, you fucking bastard!”

Luke laughed. Ah, if only you had the force, you’d be a powerful ally.

Han’s eyes filled with tears as he held his newly found family. What was it going to take to save them? “Luke…Luke I know you love them. Deep down, you’re still that green kid I met on Tatooine. Fight the dark side, brother! Please, come back to us!”

Luke laughed hysterically. Oh, this is too much. Fine, I’ll let them go for now, but be forewarned, I’ll be back. And don’t call me kid!

Leia and Hanna were still, perspiring and panting. Han held on to them still, rocking them gently in his arms. Hanna looked up at him after a time, her cheeks wet with tears. “Daddy, you saved us. Like 3PO said you saved mommy too.”

He smiled tearfully and hugged her. “I couldn’t just sit here and let my little girl hurt. I had to do something.”

Leia groaned, and wiggled a little beside him. Slowly, her eyes opened and she peered up at Han. Her face, likewise, was damp. “He…he hurt Hanna too, didn’t he?” she croaked weakly.

Han held her tenderly, frowning. “Yes, he did.”

She was getting mad and Hanna quickly hugged her. “Don’t get mad mommy,” she begged. “Don’t go away like Uncle Luke, please!”

“Oh, honey,” Leia breathed. “I’m sorry. I won’t go away; I’ll never leave you. It’s okay now; he’s gone.”

Hanna looked up at her mommy. “Daddy saved us. Just like 3PO said. He is a hero mommy. He’s my hero.”

Leia smiled. “He’s my hero too, sweetheart.” She hugged Han, whispering for his ears alone, “thank you for saving her…for saving us. I love you.”

“Mommy?” Hanna inquired softly.

“Yes, dear?”

“Can…can I sleep with you and daddy tonight? I’m scared.”

Leia’s smile faltered a little. “Of course you can. I think we’d all feel a lot safer if we’re together tonight.”

They all settled down in bed, Leia holding Hanna, and Han holding them both. Hanna quickly fell asleep, but Han and Leia found they had a much harder time of it. “Leia…why didn’t you tell me before?” Han inquired in a whisper.

“I couldn’t, I…I didn’t know how to tell you. It was hard enough even to think about it. I’m sorry.”

”How did he fall to the dark side?”

Leia sighed. “It’s a long story. Basically, about two years after you left, he met up with a Jedi named Mara Jade. She was the Emperor’s hand. She actually wanted to kill him back then. She was under cover as a slave dancer at Jabba’s palace the day we rescued you. She claimed he ruined her life.

“Anyway, a few years later they ended up falling in love. They were so perfect together. One day while they were on Endor to have some time alone, she fell from one of the trees and was killed. He was devastated and when I tried to help him, he just exploded. He was gone the next day and I haven’t seen him since. I…I really miss him, Han.”

He squeezed her. “I do too, sweetheart.” He sighed. “I really wish you told me. Maybe I could have helped.”

“No…he—he’s with me all the time, but we don’t know exactly where he is. He blocks himself from me, but…but I can’t block Hanna or myself from him. Han…I didn’t tell you this before, but…I’m scared. I really am. What if he tries to hurt Hanna again? What if he hurts you? What if he tries to hurt me again?”

“Leia…” Han murmured, planting kisses over her face. “I promised to protect you from now on, and I will, but…I think you have to defeat Luke.”

Leia sighed. “But I don’t know where he is; how am I supposed to confront him?”

“I don’t know, love. But we’ll figure it out.” He held her tighter against him, nuzzling her hair.

She stroked her daughter’s hair. “But will we figure it out in time?” she said softly, not expecting an answer. Han didn’t have one anyway.


Light poured through the gauzy curtains of the windows, coaxing Leia into wakefulness. Her first thought was why hadn’t the alarm gone off? She checked the time and found she had over slept by three hours. What was going on? She didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Hanna stepped into her room quietly, Han following behind her, holding a tray. Hanna walked up happily to her bedside and pulled out a bouquet of white roses from behind her back “Daddy bought these for you,” she announced, handing them to her. “And we made you breakfast in bed!”

Leia sat up, accepting the flowers her daughter handed to her. “Thank you, but why did you go through the trouble? You know I don’t expect you to do anything special for me.”

“We wanted to mommy.” Hanna smiled. “Because we love you.”

Leia smiled and hugged her. “Well, thank you very much honey. I love you too.” She looked up at Han. “But I’m late for my meeting.”

Han grinned. “Already taken care of.” He stepped closer, sat on the edge of the bed, and placed the tray on Leia’s lap. “I told them you had the flu, and they gave you the day off.”

She gazed at the little girl, then back at him. “That was a lie.”

“Not exactly,” he pointed out. “I figured you didn’t want them to know about Luke since you haven’t said anything yet, so I told them a little fib. You were up last night because you weren’t feeling well; that’s true isn’t it?”

She looked at her daughter. “That was an acceptable fib that will not be used again. I couldn’t let them know what Luke is doing because they would question my leadership. I know he will not interfere greatly with my work, so we are not going to tell the Council. It’s between your Uncle Luke and I. Do you understand what I’m saying, Hanna?”

The girl nodded. “Yes, mommy. But you didn’t have to explain it; daddy already did.”

“Oh,” she said. “Good, then. At least we know we’re on the same wave length.” She smiled again. “I guess today’s a family day, then, hmm?”

Hanna smiled brilliantly. “Yep! And daddy said he’ll take us to the beach!”

“Wonderful!” Leia exclaimed. “Why don’t you go get ready, okay?”

“Okay, mommy!” She curtsied. “Excuse me.” She fled the room.

“You’re angry that I did that, aren’t you?” Han inquired inching closer to her.

Leia sighed. “I don’t know. I just…I never called out sick if Luke kept me up all night before. I thought I could handle it. But, now…I don’t know. This is all just driving me crazy. I’m sorry.”

Han held her in his arms. “Don’t be. This is all Luke’s fault, not yours. Hanna told me he’s never hurt you physically before and…seeing you in such pain last night, I…I wanted to watch over you today. The both of you.”

Leia smiled weakly. “I’m not complaining.” She hugged him back, kissed his cheek.

Han grinned. “Good.” He sat back and gestured to the food on the tray. “Now, before we get this day started, you have to eat.”

She gave him a mock solute. “Yes sir.”


“Ha, ha; I got you!” Han bellowed scooping his daughter-to-be up over his head. She squealed with delight as he dropped her back down into the cool water. She swam back to the surface and spit a mouth full of water in his face. He bent down and started tickling her; she giggled helplessly, splashing around in the shallow water. Leia looked on from the sand, smiling idly as she watched them play. Han was going to make a wonderful father. He was also the perfect shoulder to cry on, the perfect person to talk to, and the perfect lover. After so many years of pain and loneliness, he had come back and every part of her life was suddenly perfect. Except Luke. She wanted to turn him back, to make him part of her perfect little family again, but she had no idea how.

If she only knew where he was, she could go to him and try to make him remember, like he did for their father. Anakin had turned into Darth Vader after he fell to the dark side. No one believed he could be turned back, but Luke proved everyone wrong, even her. If he could only remember who he once was…. However, in the event he wouldn’t listen, she would have to kill him. She would have to kill her own brother. She had to protect her family and herself. Last night only proved it wasn’t going to be easy. What was she going to do?

Her thoughts were cut off when Han hauled her up, carried her into the ocean, and tossed her into the water. She surfaced, coughing and spluttering. He and Hanna laughed. She reached out and pulled him under the water as well, holding him down, laughing with them. Han must have pulled his hand free because, before she knew what was happening, something grabbed hold of the juncture between her thighs, rubbing, tickling, teasing, and causing her to cry out in surprise.

Han got the upper hand then and held her tightly against him. He whispered nonsense to her until she calmed down enough for him to kiss her gently. If Hanna had not been standing by, he would have let things get out of control, but he had no intention of corrupting innocence. He grinned down at her. “Don’t try to mess with me,” he murmured teasingly.

She giggled and quickly grabbed a large lock of his hair, pulling his head backwards. “Don’t mess with me either,” she said sweetly.

“Okay, okay!” he cried mockingly. “I give up!”

She loosened her hold a little. “I don’t believe you,” she responded, although her hand continued it’s decent away from him.

He eyed her mischievously. “You shouldn’t,” he drawled and disabled both her arms so as to kiss her again.

“C’mon, enough kissing already!” Hanna shouted, swimming over to them. She smiled. “Save it for later; I’m hungry.”

Leia and Han laughed. “Well, we’d better get something to eat, then, shouldn’t we?” Leia inquired, picking her daughter up. She was getting so big! “How about some ice cream?”

Hanna’s eyes brightened. She was not allowed sweets very often, so, to her, having ice cream was like waking up on Christmas morning and finding that Santa did not forget her home. “Really? We can get ice cream?”

“Of course we can,” Leia said. “Today’s a special day and I think we could all use a special treat.”

“Wow, mommy, thank you!” Hanna hugged her mommy enthusiastically. “You’re the best mommy ever!” She turned around and hugged Han. “And you’re the best daddy ever!”

They left the water and headed to the nearest ice cream vender, smiling the whole time.


This was it. Leia stood behind the huge cathedral doors, nervous and waiting for her cue. She was stunning in a long flowing, long sleeved white wedding gown. Her hair was piled up atop her head in a beautiful, but confusing knot of braids. Behind her, was Hanna, dressed in a lovely pink dress and bows in her hair. She was the flower girl, and she stood ready and waiting to toss the pretty pedals over the walkway in her mother’s wake.

Leia knew Han was nervous too. He was standing on the altar—most likely fidgeting—with Lando beside him as the best man. Sadly, Chewbacca could not make it to see their big day. He had been killed by a bounty hunter over the years of Han’s absence. She knew Han felt at least a little guilt for not being able to save his best friend. She too would miss the lovable Wookee; he was part of her family too.

Bells chimed and the music started playing. The doors opened and smiled nervously, but happily. Everyone was there to witness the marriage, but she didn’t see any of them. She only saw Han, her love, her husband-to-be. She was pretty sure that she was all he saw as well; his eyes never left her. She could read the messages his eyes sent and she answered in kind. “This is it.” “I’m so nervous.” “So am I, but concentrate on what will happen after the services.” “What will happen after the services?” “The planets will move, the angels will weep….” “Stop it; you’re making me blush.” “You look good in red.” Finally, they reached each other and Riekeen, who had taken the place of her brother, gave her hand away to Han. She could feel him shaking too.

The ceremony went on for another hour. They exchanged vows, promising eternal life together, loyalty, and assistance to one another. Hanna handed her mother a ring and Lando did the same for Han, and they exchanged them. Finally, the priest announced, “You may kiss the bride,” and boy did he! It took all they had to end the kiss and face the audience who stood and applauded. They had done it. Now for the fun part.

End: Part Two, “Welcome Home,” Forthcoming.