
Title: What Fate May Bring

Author: R.Solo56

Category: Alternate Universe, Action, Romance

Rating: PG-16 for mature language and mild adult situations

Date: 2/18/00

This story is set six months before The Empire Strikes Back. Han and Leia are sent out on yet another mission together and are captured by vicious Bounty Hunters who want Han dead. Leia tries to bargain with the pirates and succeeds…but is the value of what she must give up worth it? Or, has someone already taken it from her? This story also hints at Han and Leia’s true feelings for one another.

Leia paced restlessly in the tiny cell she had been given, her mumbling a mix of furious curses one minute, and tearful prayers the next. Her cell was no bigger than a walk-in closet and consisted of a simple mattress with a blanket and a window no bigger than her head. It was late in the night now so even the tiniest bit of light that could make it through the portal normally would not arrive for hours yet. Regardless of how weary she was, she could not sleep. She was too worried about Han.

Before analyzing this situation further, let us first look back a few days in the past to see what let up to this tragedy. It had started out as usual, Han Solo prattling on until General Rieeken agreed to let him go with Princess Leia on their mission, laughing heartily at a joke the whole base was in on. The trip consisted of constant arguments, sexual comments, curses, and a few hurt feelings; nothing out of the ordinary.

The natives were not the problem however. Before they could meet, Bounty Hunters had snuck into Han and Leia’s quarters and drugged them in their sleep. They were taken to a huge ship where they were now. The pirates had told them exactly what they wanted: Han’s life. For reasons beyond here, Leia had instinctively pleaded for his life. The scoundrels had agreed on a trade: Han’s life for her virginity.

“But, how can I agree?” Leia cried helplessly, her words echoing in the soundproof chambers. On Alderaan, it was against all morals to allow yourself to have sex with someone you didn’t love, much less before marriage. But then, now could she just let Han die? As much as he annoyed her, she had never once wished him to die. Besides, she admitted, He’s not all bad. He saved my life more than once.

In a flash, all the memories of Han and herself together clouded all other thoughts. Their arguments, his sexual advances, the way he loved seeing her reaction, the way he stood up for her in the face of danger, even the occasional times they had gotten along and actually…had fun. As strange as their relationship was, it was still a relationship and he had left footprints in her heart that would never go away. She couldn’t lose that. She couldn’t give up her beliefs either.

“But, then what do I do?” she called to the heavens, finally collapsing on the mattress. She curled into a tight ball, sobbing horribly. In time, she exhausted herself and eventually fell into an uneasy sleep.


Hours later, Leia again stood before the kidnappers. “So, what have you decided?” one inquired.

She was silent for a long time before bowing to pressure and uttered quietly, “I want to see Solo first.”

The men—if you could call them that—sighed exasperated. “Fine. You have ten minutes.”

“You’ll have you’re way eventually, why not give us a couple hours?” she countered quickly.

“Thirty minutes,” they responded.

“An hour, no more, no less.”

The Hunters eyed her in a way she didn’t want to put into words. “You’re good at this, ain’t ya darlin’?” one drawled. “An hour it is.” He stood. “Right this way.”

They arrived infront of his cell door in a matter of seconds. “I want to be with him alone, if you don’t mind,” she said coldly.

The man grinned. “Sure; you’ll be mine soon anyway.” He strolled away. Leia cringed and gingerly opened the door and stepped inside, the door closing behind her. It was very dark compared to what she had become used to and she couldn’t see anything for several seconds. “Han—?” she called softly, only to be cut off by a huge, callused hand. Another arm wrapped around her waist, holding her still. She started to panic, when she heard a voice.

“Leia?” Han breathed in her ear, astonished. Cautiously, he removed his hand from her mouth. “Sorry, sweetheart. Reflexes you know.” He turned her around to face him, gazing into her eyes in such a way it made her blush prettily. He smiled down at her. “Are you alright? They treatin’ you okay?”

She nodded. “So far, yes.” She frowned suddenly, biting her trembling lip. “They want an answer, Han. I…I don’t know what to do….” She cursed herself as tears began rolling down her cheeks. She had promised herself she wouldn’t do this!

“No, it’s okay,” she heard Han murmur, obviously noticing her struggle to stop crying. Gently, and much to her surprise, he lifted her up in his arms and sat down on his similar mattress, cradling her effortlessly against him. That was all she could take. Before she knew what was happening, she was sobbing against his chest, shivering and groping blindly at his shirtfront. “That’s it…” he whispered to her, his own throat tight with emotion. “You can cry…don’t ever be afraid….”

Leia sighed shakily, hugging him gratefully. Still weeping, she looked up at him seriously. “Han…I might never have the chance to tell you this…so I’d better tell you now.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I don’t hate you. I never did. I…I care about you, Han. You’ve saved my life so many times, and what did I do? I yelled at you for being careless. I’m sorry I didn’t thank you before, but…I’m thanking you know. I’ll understand if you don’t forgive me for the way I treated you. You were right all along, you know. I…I do like you, Han. I’m starting to think…maybe I…I’m….”

“Shh,” he whispered putting a finger to her lips, seeing how hard it was for her to get the words out. “Don’t say anything. You don’t have to…I already know.” Tenderly he kissed her forehead. “I love you too, sweetheart. I think I always have.” He sighed and breathed against her hair, “I know I always will. No matter what, I’ll always love you. Don’t ever forget that, Leia.”

“What can I do?” she cried. “I can’t let them kill you!”

“Leia…” he murmured, lifting her chin. “Leia, look at me.” She met his eyes guiltily. “I’m not afraid to die. Maybe you don’t understand that…I don’t expect you to. But, you can’t just throw away your beliefs. I don’t want you to do that for me. The last thing I want is to see you in pain. I won’t let that happen, no matter what it costs.”

“Han…please…” she begged futilely. “I can’t…I can’t just let you die…. I’d kill myself first.”

“Don’t say that,” he said to her. “You’re strong, Leia. You’ve always been. You could go on without me; you would have anyway.”

She looked at him, puzzled before realizing what he meant. He would have left the Rebellion in a few months anyway! He was just going to walk right out of their lives, her life! She knew it would have happen, but she couldn’t stop the anger that was suddenly welling up inside her. With all her strength, she slapped him hard across the face.

Han didn’t even see it coming. When finally he overcame his shock, he couldn’t help but think, Man, what a right she’s got on her! He knew she hadn’t intended on reacting the way she had; this whole situation was hard for her. She was angry at the Bounty Hunters, not him. But, he couldn’t help feeling a little guilty about this whole thing.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, grasping her wrists. She struggled against him, crying in frustration. “Leia, Leia, shh…” he whispered into her hair. “It’s okay; calm down…shh….” He kissed her determinedly then, feeling her melt in his arms. She grasped at him now, instead of pushing him away, returning the kiss. However inexperienced she was, she did one hell of a job arousing him. The kiss ended as quickly as it had started and she had relaxed. He kissed her forehead again and asked, “how much time do we have?”

“Not enough,” she breathed dreamily.

Han smiled. She was thinking along the same trail as he was. “Don’t underestimate me,” he drawled.

She sighed. “Forty-five minutes at the most.”

“We’d better get started then, shouldn’t we?”

Leia opened her mouth to respond, when she realized it didn’t matter anymore. Either she’d lose him and never get the chance to make love to him, or she’d lose her innocence anyway. If she was going to lose her virginity, it was going to be to this man. She knew he was thinking the same thing; he didn’t think this a contest of any sort. He just wanted to show her he loved her, knowing there wouldn’t be a wedding. She also knew, somehow, that if she was going to end up with those two scoundrels, he was going to at least show her that sex could be a good thing. She trusted him with her life and she was grateful she would have something to fall back on no matter what happened. With a desperation and love she had never felt for anyone else in her life, she let him have his way with her.


Their time alone ended all too soon. Now, she stood once more in front of her captors, watching as they chained Han up to some torture device. Every attempt she made to stall them resulted in a lashing. Finally, with one last look at her newfound love, she made the only choice she could. “Take me,” she mumbled quietly, tears in her eyes. She knew she probably wouldn’t see Han again, but at least she’d know he was alive and safe.

Han looked at her, astonished. He had told her not to do this! She promised she wouldn’t! His anger melted away, however when he saw the anguished look on her face. She simply hadn’t been able to stand the thought of him being killed. His heart swelled. She really did love him! Unfortunately, he loved her too. He would never get to see her again after this moment, and there was nothing he could do. He wasn’t mad at her for what she did—he couldn’t be—he was just sad. So very sad. His eyes brimmed with tears as he gazed at her.

“Very well, then,” one Bounty Hunter said, leering at her. “Have it your way.” He stepped closer to her, and she backed away.

“Please…just let me say goodbye to him,” she said, unable to help surpress the fear in her eyes.

“We already let you, bitch,” one said, angry.

“Please. I’ll never get to see him again! Please.”

“Very well. Make it quick.”

Cautiously, she walked over to Han. His expression was grave, but understanding. She lifted a trembling, cold hand to his face and caressed his cheek. “I had to do it, Han,” she whispered, her throat tight.

“I know, my sweet, I know,” he murmured simply. He kissed her fingertips as they grazed his lips. “If only I could hold you…” he whispered, sudden tears beginning to roll down his cheeks.

The sight of him crying sent her control careening over the edge as well and, silently, she sobbed. “I love you so much,” she whispered to him, stroking his hair.

Han smiled sadly. “I’ve waited so long to hear that,” he said, his voice shaking. “I love you too, princess.”

“I know,” she responded and with that, she brought her lips to his in a long, passionate kiss, sealing their eternal vow of love for one another. The kiss quickly grew needy and Leia could feel her pulse pounding in her ears. Han urgently wanted—needed—to put his arms around her, but simply couldn’t, so he sent every feeling he had in him to her through the caress.

But, as quickly as the kiss started, a repulsive man roughly pulled her away from her lover with a blaster jammed in her back. “That’s enough of that!” he bellowed. “You’ll have us from now on, darlin’. You don’t need him anymore.” Then, he kissed her hard and bruising. Leia was extremely shocked by this and her stomach churned from the hideous stench of his breath. This was not going to be fun at all.


Not too far away, Luke Skywalker had a plan in progress. He and his fleet were headed for the Bounty Hunters’ coordinates to save Han and the Princess. R2-D2 beeped restlessly. “I know, R2; we’re going as fast as we can. We’ll make it,” Luke said as much to reassure himself as the little droid.

“Commander Skywalker, we are approaching the coordinates,” Wedge’s voice filtered through the comlink.

“Okay, hold your fire,” Luke ordered. “I’ll go in; you all stay at attention. Be ready to fire right when I say so.”

“Yes sir,” came a chorus of voices. “Good luck, commander.”

“Thanks,” he answered, thinking, I’m gonna need it. Taking a deep breath, he headed into the much larger ship. Miraculously, the ship did not have an energy shield to protect it. “For Bounty Hunters, you’re pretty dumb,” Luke mumbled before realizing it could simply be a trap. With all his senses on alert, he cautiously continued his journey.


Luke slipped into the corner of a hallway, quietly, freezing as he heard voices in the room beside him. Not breathing, his lightsaber ready if need be, he listened in on the conversation.

“Well, well, well, you surprised us with your choice, darlin’,” a filtered voice drawled. “Why you stuck your neck out for that filthy piece of bantha fodder, I’ll never know.”

“You’re one to talk!” Leia’s defiant voice retorted. “Tell me, do you make it a living to go around and ruin other peoples lives?”

The men laughed. “No, actually, we were merely out for Solo, but after seeing your pretty face, we decided to make an exception.” There was some noise of scuffling feet. “Come on, darlin’, there ain’t nothin’ you can do. A deal’s a deal.” There was some more movement, this time accompanied by a yelp and a crunching of bone. “Well…you’re quite the fighter ain’t ya? Look at that, I’m bleedin’. Too bad you’ll never win.” The movement started again. Leia screamed, then there was a sickening crack followed by weak moaning. “Too bad, darlin’. I didn’t want to force nothin’.”

Luke took that as his cue. Running swiftly, he stabbed one of the men from behind, killing him instantly. The other took out his blaster, but Luke easily dodged the bolts. The Bounty Hunter ran like a crazy man straight for him, the saber cutting right through his heart. There was a long silence. The moaning started up again, this time accompanied by a name, “Luke….”

Luke hurried to the fallen Princess’ side. He helped her stand up, steadying her as she swayed. “We have to get out of here,” he said. “We’re blowing this place.” Without waiting for a reply, he ran with her back to the docking bay. He stared at the Falcon for a moment. “Where’s Han?” he asked her.

“He….” Without any warning at all, she passed out.

“Kid!” came a familiar voice. “Kid, you came!” Han had seen them through the cockpit window. He had clearance to leave, but he just couldn’t dream of leaving Leia there. Coming closer, he identified the person in Luke’s arms. “Leia…” he breathed. “Is—is she alright?”

Luke nodded. “Yes. She took a pretty hard blow to the head, I think. She’ll be all right; we’ll get her to the Med. Center when we reach base. Now, I have a fleet out there waiting to blow this thing up.”

“I get ya,” Han said. “Let’s get moving. I’ll take her.” Luke gingerly gave the unconscious princess to him and quickly headed to his X-Wing. Han gazed down at the woman. “Hold on, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Don’t leave me…okay?” Quickly he ascended the ramp. Rushing into his cabin he set her down on his bed, strapping her down for take off, then tucking her lovingly under the covers. With one last kiss, he went to the cockpit and they were off, a dazzling display of fire and metal behind them.


No, no, no! This is all wrong! I shouldn’t be here! The Death Star was destroyed over a year ago! What’s going on? Okay, okay, calm down, Organa. Man, it’s so dark in here…. This is the cell I was put in last time. I can hear the rumbling of the garbage compactor behind me. The walls are certainly as cold as I remember. And the stupid slab Vader called a bed is just as hard. How did I get here?

What was that? Oh no, I know that sound…. Not the Interrogator Droid…. What else could they want to know? They already Destroyed Alderaan. Besides, they should know they’ll never get anything out of me. Oh god, the door’s opening. More pain…. Okay, I survived it once, I can do it again. I can do this, I can do this….

Wait a minute…you’re not Vader! What’s going on? I don’t remember this! This isn’t right. This isn’t right at all…. What are you doing? Ow! Hey, what’s going on? They’re taking off their helmets…why? Hey, I…I can’t move! What was that stuff? Does Vader know about this? He doesn’t—?

Hey! Let go of me! Stop it, stop it! Why are you chaining me? What are they doing, chaining me to a wall for? What’s that sound? Armor? They’re removing their armor? Oh my god, they can’t possibly—!

Ahh! Ow, stop! It hurts! Why are you doing this? They’re raping me, oh my god they’re raping me! Oh, god, help me god! God, it hurts, please forgive me! Wait a minute. Forgive me? Take pity on them—! Oh! Oh, just make it stop! Oh, god there’s three of them! Why are you letting this happen, god? Please, I’ve followed your rules, I’ve prayed every night and If it wasn’t for them I’d keep my innocence for my husband! How can I follow you if you let this happen? I’m pure no longer. I’m a sinner, a sinner…. God, it hurts—!

With a small gasp, Leia bolted upright in bed. “My god…” she breathed, cold sweat sticking to her shivering body. She heard Han snoring beside her and, not wanting to wake him, she slipped out of his cabin, grabbing a robe to throw around herself. She headed for the cockpit. She needed time to think and the stars have always helped her.


Han woke for reasons unknown to him. Hearing no alarms, he contented himself to take Leia into his arms and go back to sleep—until he realized she wasn’t with him. Warning bells went off in his mind as he got out of bed to search for her. She wasn’t in the ‘fresher or the galley. He made his way into the cockpit wondering why he thought she’d be in there at all. She was.

There, in the cockpit, curled up in the pilot’s chair, Leia sat staring at the stars, tears glistening on her cheeks. Cautiously, he approached her and took a seat in the copilot’s chair. Suddenly he wondered if this had anything to do with them making love back on the Bounty Hunters’ ship. Did she think it was a mistake? “Leia?” he attempted quietly. “You okay?”

Leia started at the sound of his voice. “I…I couldn’t sleep, that’s all,” she whispered, wiping her wet cheeks with the back of her hand. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

Han shook his head. “No, no, I…I guess I couldn’t sleep either.”

“Oh,” she said simply, turning back to gaze out at the stars.

They were silent for a long time until, finally, Han inquired, “This is about us making love, isn’t it?”

She looked up at him, surprised. “What do you mean?”

He looked at her grimly. “You regret it all.”

“No!” she exclaimed suddenly. “No, I don’t regret any of it.” She sighed. “I had a dream, Han. And I think it’s more than just a simple nightmare. I think it’s a memory.”

Han stared at her for a long time. He saw the fear in her eyes, the pain on her face. He held his arms out to her and she, tentatively, stepped into his embrace. “Tell me about it,” he murmured, settling her into his lap.

“But…I don’t know what you’ll think….”

“Leia…please. I want to help. It’s alright.” He began to stroke her hair softly. “You can tell me anything.”

Leia sighed. “Well…I was in my cell on the Death Star. I heard a noise and I figured it was the Interrogator Droid…but it wasn’t. Three stormtroopers came into my cell. They injected something into me and I couldn’t move. Then…they chained me, Han! They chained me to a wall. They took off their armor…. I couldn’t see, but I knew…I know they raped me, Han! I remember now…it—it hurt. I don’t know why I’m remembering now. Maybe I blocked it out. But…it did happen! I wasn’t a virgin! You weren’t my first! They got to me first….” By this time she was sobbing hysterically. She was so afraid that Han would push her away now, that God would loathe her. But, most of all, she remembered the pain, the horrible pain!

For his part, Han was stunned. He simply held her for a few moments before finding his voice. “Jesus, sweetheart…” he breathed, amazed. He then noticed exactly how much this was upsetting her, and he saved his questions for a later date. “It’s okay, honey…” he murmured, rocking her shivering body, each wracking sob tearing at his heart. “It’ll be okay. They won’t hurt you again. I’m here and I won’t let anyone hurt you…. Shhh, Leia…shhh….”

Leia looked up at him, shocked. “You—you’re not mad?”

Han smiled. “Of course not. Not at you anyway. Just those monsters who dared hurt you like that.” He hugged her close, kissed her brow. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.”

“I lo—” Leia stopped herself suddenly. Han’s earlier question was getting her thinking. “Han…will you stay when we reach base?”

Han swallowed hard. He knew this was coming, and he knew the answer. She wasn’t going to like it. “Leia…you know I have to go. I wish things could be different, but…. Honey, now I’m not only leaving to save my own hide, but…yours too. If I stay, I’ll be putting your life in danger. Jabba the Hutt is ruthless and, believe me, if he doesn’t kill you, you’d wish he had.” He hugged her close. “But, if I do make it out—alive—I’ll come back for you. Nothing less than death can ever keep me from you, princess. But, until I pay off my dept, neither of us is safe. I’ve been running far too long and now the stakes are only higher.”

Leia sighed sadly. “I understand,” she whispered. There was a long silence. “This just isn’t fair! I…I love you….”

“We’ll make it through, somehow,” Han said. “If we were meant to be, I’ll make it back to you.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ll be alright,” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled. “I know.” She looked up at him. “What do we do until then?”

Han grinned, then frowned. “Leia…are you sure? I mean…the dream and everything….”

Leia’s heart swelled at the thought that he cared so much. “Yes. I love you, Han, and after all that’s happened—and will happen—…I’m sure God can understand.” She stroked his hair, brushed her fingers over his lips. “Please, Han,” she murmured. “I need you more than ever.”

“Oh, honey….” Han kissed her softly, then with more passion, his hand kneading her breasts tenderly. “Let’s go then.” He lifted her up in his arms and carried her out of the cockpit. He whispered something to her that we can’t quite catch, but it causes Leia to giggle and slap at his chest. Nothing was said after that. Nothing needed to be said.