
Title: Dear Nerf-Herder

Author: R.Solo56

Category: Romance

Rating: PG

Date: 12/17/99

It’s merely days after that fateful day on Bespin and Leia is having a rough time of it all. Having found a little time to herself, she writes a letter to her long lost love.

Dear Nerf-Herder,

Do you have any idea how you make me feel inside? How hot and alive I feel around you? I like to think I started living when I met you. Before you, I was all work and no play. Everyone seemed to be aware around me, trying hard not to mess up. I guess you could say I was the little bitch of the Rebellion. I never meant to be so hard; I just didn’t want the Rebellion to fail.

When Alderaan was destroyed, I gave up on dreams of someday going back there and starting a family. I just didn’t want something like that to happen again, so, I made sure my work was doubled, tripled even. I would do anything it took to forget the human side of myself. It was all just too painful.

Then, out of the gloomy mist you came to rescue me from the numbness I willed to overtake me. I didn’t make it too easy for you, though. I kept trying to get you to give up, thinking if I acted like a bitch long enough, you’d hate me and just go away. But, you knew all along how I felt, didn’t you? How foolish I was, thinking I could deny it all with just a few heated words.

I was surprised that you even bothered to rescue me that day in the Control Center. I know I acted angry, but deep down, I truly preferred a few weeks with you to a lifetime of torture with Vader. That one day on the Falcon, I will never forget. It was the day you made me realize my love for you. I’d never been kissed like that before, and I was terrified of what you’d think when I didn’t know what to do. As it turned out, you knew all along how inexperienced I was and you didn’t once hold it against me. What you showed during our time together that I will never forget. I had the best time of my life with someone who I at one time couldn’t stand being in the same room with.

But, in the end I was right. You were taken from me just like everything else I’ve ever held dear. Somehow, it’s different this time, though. Something inside me tells me I will find you and we will be together again. I told Luke about it and he thinks I might have the Force. Personally, I don’t care what it is as long as it’s telling the truth.

I must tell you now, in this letter, how much I truly love you. No matter what happens to me in the future, you must know. This seems childish, I know, but you taught me that I must let my feelings out sometime, and that’s just what I’m doing now as I weep over this paper.

I thank you for all that you’ve shown me Nerf-Herder, and I know we will be together soon. I can feel it.

With all my love,

Her Highnessness