Upcoming Stories

Escape from Cloud City Rated PG. Whatever happened to all those civilians we saw running around after Lando announced an evacuation on Bespin? This story is from the point of view of a mother and her two young children as they struggle to escape Cloud City.

Look Who's Back Not yet rated. It's one year after Return of the Jedi. Tarkin's back and he's out for revenge!

The Pretender Not yet Rated. It's two years after Return of the Jedi and the New Republic is on the rise. Everyone is in for a shock when Bail Organa returns! But, why do negotiations go wrong whenever he's around? It's not like he WANTS the New Republic to fail...does he? This story also circles around Leia's inner termoil.

The Pretender II: I'm Back! Rated PG-14. He's back, and still after Leia! Disguised as Han Solo, he lures Leia to the Millenium Falcon and tortures her. But, what he didn't realize was that he was only the mirror image of Han Solo; his grin and scar are backward! But, the real question is: how in the worlds do you destroy this thing?!

Walking on the Air Rated PG. It's five years after Return of the Jedi. Han and Leia are sent on a peaceful mission to a low-G planet. Leia has visited there before, and shows Han some spots where you can actually glide on the air.

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