My Personal SG Team

My Personal SG Team

This page is devoted to my friends because they are quite simply my personal SG Team. And they have to put up with a lot okay so it's not Goa'uld invasions, alternate universes, Retu rebels and Maybourne. It is, however, me babbling about Daniel, me babbling about the latest (or an old) episode and me babbling about YET ANOTHER really cool fan fic I've just read.

Now if you take into account that mainly they're not really Stargate fans, that's pretty amazing. And lately I've been even more SG obsessed because I've been working on the page. So this is just to say Thanks!


Darae, like most of my friends, is really strange! She prefers Ray K to Daniel. I know what you're thinking...'who's Ray K?' Uhhhh all I know is that he's some side hero in a Canadian cop series...Due South...just incase you're wondering. Lately she's been obessesing over fan-fic on some show she's never actually seen!!

Now Darae is a girl of very specific tastes ie She likes Voyager but not Janeway or B'Elanna (they have annoying voices, apparently) or Seven (i'm not quite sure why). She likes Buffy (the series) but NOT Buffy (the character) or Tara or Giles or Riley get the point. She liked Angel until they killed off Doyle. Despite such high tastes she occasionally visits my site just to get me all excited because my hit counter is reading one extra! And when I'd only started web building so was playing around with various things she signed all of my Guestbooks (was it three??) Of course being Darae she just said the same thing over and over "tut-tut"

She also beta read my first fan-fic (yeah I know 1 piece that's about a page long!) but considering she's watched a total of about 3 SG episodes (okay she insistsit's more like 12) and hasn't watched 'Entity' I think she did an okay job!

Okay I was gonna list some of her annoying habits but I just remembered, Angelfire only give me 50MB of space!! But because I can't help myself I'll mention just one....she insists on calling Daniel danny-boy!! UURRRGGHHHH...only Jack is allowed to do that!

The best thing about Darae though is...uhh...well...umm...I was sure I had something Oh well! But she has managed to perfect the skill of pretending she's listening to my babble (which is, as far as i can see, the ONLY reason I like her!!!

No seriously though she's a wonderful person (oh okay I had a moment of weakness!)


Also known as Suzi or little blonde girl! You remember Kenthiya (from 'Brief Candle') well give her blonde-ish hair and an even worse taste in men (sorry to any Jack fans) and you arrive at Suzi! How can anyone NOT love her?? The best part is she won't have any idea what i'm talking about! Hahaha!


Ohhh I absolutely adore Rachel!!! This is obviously because she watches SG1. At the moment she's more of a casual viewer than a fan and she prefers Jack to Daniel BUT I'm working on it!


Vic has a really good homepage, which is what inspired me to start a Daniel page. Therefore she has helped to take my Daniel obssesion to a completely new level. I'll be eternally grateful!

Vic is also the only person other than me to have written something on my message board, you gotta love her for that!

Oh and she does a good Anne Robinson (don't ask!!) so you'd better all be really nice to her and go visit her page!

Vix's World

Gemma and Sean

These two are just soooo much fun to be around. No really just listening to them talk to each other could keep anyone amused for hours!

They've both been in my chem class for almost two years and have survived! (My chem practicals have a way of going very wrong...all by themselves, I swear!) Therefore Gemma and Sean must have even better survival instincts than Daniel!!

They're also completely insane (i'm talking 'Legacy' insane here!) They have an entire webpage devoted to monkeys! No I'm serious! Honest to god! Hey stop laughing! Oh come on it does have a section on our very own "Spacemonkey". This alone makes it worth seeing. Also they're even newer to web building than I am so could do with the encouragement. Gemma and Sean's page

P.S. They're very cute together! I'm sure it'll work a lot better than Daniel/Melosha or Daniel/Shyla or Daniel/Ke'ra or Daniel/Hathor or Daniel/Sarah or get the point right??


Okay less a friend more a i'm serious my brother, a royal pain in the "niktah" but he does let me transcribe Daniel scenes rather than watch something riduculous like WWF or Football etc! So thanks Bilal, for letting me obsess even if you hate it A LOT!!!

Okay this page isn't finished yet (yes i do have that many friends!) so if i haven't gotten around to you...sorry and I will!!