My Soulmate

The man I've been searching for, for so long, I have finally found. The bad part about this is not that he's Canadian, but that he's in Canada and I'm in the southern states of America. Anyway, we met over Xaos (a mud we both play), and began to chat for hours on end via AIM and the mud itself. Having typed at each other for over a month straight about anything at all that came to mind, we finally discovered what we were to each other - soulmates. I always thought the idea was corny and silly, but I don't feel that way anymore. This man completes me in more ways than I can even fathom, much less put into mere words. I never knew real love for another not of my blood, but I do now. The very thought of him brings a smile to my face and does funny things inside me - not all of it sexually related. He gives me little butterflies in my tummy, and my heart skips a beat before racing a million miles a second. I love the way I feel with him, I love the way I feel for him, and I love the way I feel because of him. I know he feels the same way, and I thank whatever powers that be for bringing us together. I'm in love.

UPDATE: We were married on the 27th of December, 2003. When I finally get wedding pictures, I'll post those.


These were taken while he was here in May.



And these were taken before he even knew me.





Last updated: January 30, 2004