My Companions and Acquantances

Welcome to the page dedicated to the people in my life. I hope I don't leave anyone out. I'll list the people and their relationship to me accordingly, just hope you feel up to delving into my social side.

First on my list? Rachel... The best friend anyone could ever hope to have. I met this wonderful woman one day when I was 11 years old and on my way to school. I saw her bending to pet a neighborhood orange tabby, and from experience, I knew this tom's behavior. I walked up to the girl, and spoke clearly to her. "If you pet him, he'll follow you all the way to school." She smiled, as did I, and we exchanged names as we walked to school together. We agreed to meet on the football field after school and walk back home. From that day on, we've been the best of friends, with rarely a squabble between us. We've shared our dreams and a few of our nightmares, had adventures in the sun, found "treasures" beneath the moon, danced in the rain, and dreamed of our future. Now, we've found each other again, and I highly doubt we'll ever lose touch.

Second? Alan, or Kyle as some know him. We met in high school and were the bitterest of enemies. We hated each other so much that you probably don't believe we are best friends now. Our friendship didn't begin until New Year's Eve of 1996, actually New Year's Day of 1997, but, you get the drift. Anyway, that night started with a silly contest between two of my friends, one of which is now my ex. Alan and his brother Andy decided to call, and the two guys involved in their contest were otherwise occupied, so, I answered the phone. They asked who I was, I told them, and they insulted me. In my slight rage, I slammed the phone down on the hook, thusly hanging up. They called back three or four more times, still insulting me when I picked up, probably because I wouldn't give the phone to either of the preoccupied males in the vicinity. *shrug* Anyway, they finally came over to the house where we were, and kept on insulting me when I went to the door, causing me to slam it in their face, which brought the two contesting guys to the door. After the night/morning wore on, with us driving to the beach after driving all over town, we were forced to get along, for everyone else's sake. After we saw how civil we could be to each other, we realized our hatred for each other was built off of ignorance of one another and found that we shared many areas of interest. Our "Best Friend-ship" began when my family and I moved from the west side of our town/city to the east side, where he lived. He was so happy to have one of our circle near him, that the friendship predictably grew. And even though we've definitely had our rocky times, I'd have to say that he is a friend definitely worth having and fighting to keep. Love you Alan!