My Pet Haven

Welcome to my Haven. The pictures and memories I have of my pets will appear here. For, as it says on my home page, I love animals. And if you want some of YOUR pets to be featured here, I'd happily oblige. Just email me the pictures and info of your beloved companions and I'll get them up with mine. :-D


Poof was a two year old pure bred Maine Coon male, beautifully marked. He was the first of a litter of six, containing three other males and two females. Soon, I'll have pictures of him scanned to place here.


Ed is an old grey tabby, sweet and kind, a little shy, neutered and declawed. He's outlived so many of his fellow animals, that we've decided that he's either a god, or the head of a feline mafia... :-) lol....


Shaft was Alan's cat, and a great feline at that. We suspect he was bi, 'cause he kept trying to hump every cat he could. Unfortunately, I don't think we have any pictures of him, so, I'll tell you what he looked like. His paws were white with pink and black pawpads. His entire body was black, except for the tip of his tail, his chest, and a bit of his muzzle. There were a few white hairs on his belly, if ever you could get him to roll over on his back. He had a strange tendency to lay right on Alan's genitals while he slept, and he rarely meowed. Just like Ed.


She was my cat. She attacked everything, including the curtain, the blanket, your ankles, the yarn, the table, the food, the fridge, the ladder, and anything that possibly could or would move. I have pictures of her, when she was a kitten and later in her life.


He was a stray that turned up at my aunt's house. We brought him home to see if he could live with our dog, Buddy, but he was too old to blend well with our current pet. We took him to the animal shelter the next morning.


This was a lovable 6 month old female I adopted from the Oxford Humane Society in Auguest of 2002. She came spayed, and unfortunately with behavorial problems as well... We had to return her after a month when she wouldn't stop pooping on the floor. Odd thing was, she went in her box too.


This was a year old tom cat who appeared on our doorstep one night. We cleaned him up, and took him in. He had a strange affinity to climbing trees, but couldn't seem to grasp the knack of getting back down them. One night, he went off as he usually did, and never came back.


A stray dog who appeared on our doorstep... (we have this thing for strays, apparently.) His liquid brown eyes and foxy face, as well as that curled long tail won my mother's heart and affection, earning him a permanent place within our home.


A rambunctious 4 month old kitten we adopted on New Year's Eve of 2002. Quickly did he become the lifelong friend of Buddy, but for a week and a half we didn't know what to call him. Finally, having watched Ice Age, we decided upon Sabre - from the sabre toothed tiger and squirrel. His full name, as decided by moi, is Sabre "Cujo" Jax.

Buddy & Sabre

Various pictures of he and Sabre, as well as a picture of he and Shadow.